Doug Michael
With just a few short weeks left until voting day in America, I observe with disbelief how yet again, masses of people fall for the illusion that they actually have any choice at all. You are presented with what you may choose so where is the actual choice in that?
The division is at an all-time high as people fight amongst themselves in defense of which figurehead would better represent them, as if they actually represent the people and not the system itself and the financiers, lobbyists and special interest groups that select who you get to vote for.
One cannot make it to the position of CEO of corporate America (President) without the nod of approval from organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations, AIPAC or the myriad of special interest groups that funnel cash into the coffers of the candidates that they select. And this time around, the selection isn’t very much to choose from at all. Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel. Not that there really ever is much to choose from, but as with every four years, Americans are hopeful that if they do their part and vote in this charade, that the country will improve immediately and dramatically, it won’t.

As we approach the time that we get to choose our statist representative, the rhetoric and hollow promises amplify to deafening levels, as if they ever actually keep their promises. Remember, “yes we can,” and “change,” nothing but hot air injected into the gullible public mind in heavy doses. Observing these two front runners is kind of like watching two spoiled kids throwing feces at one another. It’s all just a perceptual illusion, political theater designed to convince you that you have a choice in the matter, you don’t.
Out of roughly 324 million Americans, this is the best that we could come up with? I’m not impressed. After millions of dollars get tossed around to manipulate these figureheads into the positions they occupy, do you honestly think they are going to betray their allegiances to the corporate sponsors that can make or break them? As the late great social commentator/comedian George Carlin once said, “this country has been bought and sold and paid for a long time ago.”
This is a one party system, disguised as oppositional parties to create dialectics that deceive and divide. The performers at the podium are stage actors who play their parts well in this political dog and pony show. They dance willingly on the end of the financial strings being pulled by the wealthy puppeteers that hide behind the dark curtain. They are the sideshow distraction performing the play to divert your attention and your perception into that pit of filth. Who do you think the marionettes answer to? The public? Not a chance!
The media dutifully does its job at misdirecting the gullible by focusing on irrelevant matters and ignoring relevant ones. While the TV announcer is telling you to be outraged at Trump’s derogatory comment towards women, they seem to have forgotten to mention that he was a staunch Democrat, who personally donated at least $100,000 to the Clinton foundation.[1]
The fact that Trump and the Clintons are longtime friends and associates is hardly mentioned by anyone that supports either of these clowns. They distance themselves from each other in the run up to the election, you know, to try and make the charade more interesting and believable.[2]

Presidents and other figureheads (Prime ministers, heads of state, etc.) have very little decision making power. They follow the orders they are given by the true movers and shakers that hide behind the thrones of political power far from the camera lens and the eye of public scrutiny. They serve powerful forces that you are not meant to know about and never represent the will of the people. Yet, as if on cue, millions of people will repeat the same four-year cycle of choosing which one of the elite’s chosen darlings they think will bring their country prosperity and affluence. Neither one will. It is not part of the current script.
The body politic is completely corrupted and infested with parasites that work towards the full implementation of the Fabian agenda, to infiltrate societies and to prevent this country from rising into the glory that it could become. As long as people continue to externalize and choose a misleader and worship the religion of statism, nothing will ever change, no matter how many times you vote. Yet every four years, so many people are convinced that it will be different this time. It won’t.
In one ring of the circus, you have a career criminal, pathological lying sociopath, who doesn’t even hide the fact that she is affiliated with enclaves such as the CFR. It’s easy to tell when she’s lying because her mouth is moving and words are coming out. She discounts her criminal activity and laughs about it. She jokes about the murder of her political rivals in foreign countries. She shrugs off the death of American diplomats asking “what difference does it make?” Yes, she is one you can trust, a real icon of peace and prosperity. How many people will vote for this lunatic simply because of her gender? “Oh, wouldn’t it be so great to have a woman president?” People felt the same way about voting in the first (sort of) black president and we see how well that worked out.
In another ring of the circus you’ve got a reality TV star, loud mouthed billionaire who promises to “make America great again.” Great for whom? Your corporate sponsors? His angle, is the illusion that he is an anti-establishment outsider but his advisers are seriously connected to Wall Street, the Council on Foreign Relations and the billionaire George Soros,[3] who has donated millions to the Clinton camp. What a surprise. The wealthy elite control both sides and present the illusion of opposition so that you think you have a choice. You do not become a Manhattan real estate mogul without serious, insider connections, and much of the Don’s economic advisory panel is made up of Wall Street insiders and elite bankers.[4] It’s a giant hoax, a smoke-and-mirrors con game.
The Council on Foreign Relations has had enormous influence in American politics since its inception. Membership of the CFR today includes over 3,000 leaders in communications, finance, education etc. and virtually every US presidential administration has been made up largely of CFR members since its beginning. Most CIA directors have also been members of the CFR. Since the early days of the twentieth century, the CFR has maintained enormous influence over American and foreign policy and since its founding, every American president except for Ronald Reagan were members. Killary is a member, and the Don may not be directly, but many of his advisers are.
The current president of the CFR is Richard N. Haass, former director of policy planning for the US dept. of state. The Don met with Haass to discuss foreign policy.[5] That’s right! You know who your masters are! The CFR claims that it has plans to create a “new community,” which it has called the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America. What that really means is that the CFR has plans to centralize power and erase US sovereignty while implementing the Fabian agenda of the creation of a totalitarian super state. You vote for your own enslavement.

The system of statism that so many blindly worship is not a democracy. It is an oligarchy disguised to appear as a democracy. While people get beaten or vandalized, simply for displaying Trump stickers on their cars, the wealthy oligarchs clank their glasses of expensive champagne and laugh at the gullible that willingly go and vote for one of their faithful servants. It is a faux opposition designed to create the division necessary to keep the people at odds with one another and prevent them from seeing beneath the veil of rhetoric and mudslinging into the true workings of this theater production.
Another interesting spectacle in this carnival, was the whole Bernie Sanders side-show. Millions of people were “feeling the Bern.” First, he had the appearance of being a political rival to Shillary and then fully endorsed her. This “anti-establishment” candidate went along with the establishment on many major issues, including the Kosovo war and major support for Israel.[6] Millions gave their approval and money to support this guy in fighting the establishment, which he then gladly endorsed. You can’t convince me that these people don’t do what they are told to do. Still feeling the “Bern?” Actually, burn is more apropos.
The whole thing is a carnival freak show with the audience fighting amongst themselves arguing over which selected candidate can better deliver their nation into the hands of the globalists. “Come on in!” “Step right up!” “Politics…Politics, many blood sucking creatures to choose from!” If nothing changes this time, don’t worry; in four more years you can go choose again and then things will definitely change! After the disappointment to come this November, in four years, the collective amnesia will settle in and the naïve will go out and do it again!
Perhaps nothing in this entire debacle was as amusing as a very well-known radio, shock jock, taking to the airwaves to pour out crocodile tears in support of the Don. Oh well, if anything, election time is highly entertaining. It’s a great tool for sharpening those observational skills. The whole façade is a repetitive cycle, a four-year, feedback loop. Nothing ever changes because it isn’t meant to and because the people don’t change. Actually, it’s just a microcosm of a much greater cycle. Civilizations rise and fall. Until the cycle is broken, a feat we’ve yet to achieve.
[4] Ibid
3 thoughts on “The Perceptual Illusions of Choice and Opposition”
How can you discount all the whistle-blowing type guests that Alex Jones has on his show? Like General Michael Flynn (former DIA Chief) who blew whistle on Obama arming ISIS. Also, former NSA architect turned whistle-blower William Binney. Larry Nichols (former Clinton bagman, turned whistle-blower). Are they all just playing roles? It does seem strange that Jones hasn’t been taken out by the establishment if he is truthfully a threat. Thanks for your time and work, Doug.
This was a polarizing election, and these are polarizing times. What this election has done more than any other election in my known voter-life, is give a voice to all the idiot-ass people who think they have a political view, when all you hear out of their mouths are the words given to them verbatim by their favorite media outlet. i.e., CNN, FOX, MSN, etc. It has brought to the forefront, faults that had already previously existed and has shown us the true colors of many people that we would not have otherwise thought, myself included. In this division, we also find unity; unity of like-minded people. In my case, people who are not buying the propaganda, the consumerism, the commercialism, the subversive-cultural Marxism, nor the cultural brain-washing that is pouring out of the media outlets 24/7… non-stop. Who is left out, are the others, the ones who are buying it all, the runs who are running themselves over at the door just to get in and buy it all. Divide and Conquer, I understand, however, division from faults that were previously unknown till the quakes began to happen, is quite another.
It was theater…Bad theater!