Universal Law pt. 2: Energy and Vibration
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In this talk, Doug and Lenny explore the third Hermetic principle of vibration.
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9 thoughts on “Universal Law pt. 2: Energy and Vibration”
With all the shit that’s going on, it’s become apparent how much the chatter in my head leads me around and dictates the events of my experience. I’ve been working on “silencing the mind” for awhile (years), and I have to say taking it head on is a bitch. I’ve heard that you have to “relax into it”. I am now realizing, I’ve been going about it all wrong. I’ve been reading conversations with god book 1, and some things that stick out to me are: ‘what you resist persists’, ‘if you say to the universe “I want more money”, it will respond back “ok, you do” (I’m paraphrasing). So if I want to escape the chatter in my mind, I have to stop focusing on it. Perhaps I should focus on the silence? Do you have any advice for getting control of the mind chatter? How can I apply natural law to change the things that control my internal dialogue?
I hope this request doesn’t stray too much from the discussion you’re trying to lead. thanks for you work, bro! It is very much appreciated.
Hello! We are going to get deeply into these ideas as we continue our conversations. It’s a process. Don’t over think it too much. I would recommend the book: The Neville Goddard Collection: https://www.amazon.com/Neville-Goddard-Collection-Paperback/dp/0990964396
Also, I found this book to be a quick read and very helpful in understanding the ego: https://www.amazon.com/Neville-Goddard-Collection-Paperback/dp/0990964396
Also, check out this talk David and I had a while back: http://dougmichaeltruth.com/entheogens-ego-consciousness-and-the-self/
I think it’s a matter of reaching an observational perspective. It’s not about destroying the ego, but recognizing its function and integrating it in my view. I don’t know what your thoughts are on psychedelics, but I’ve found in my experience to be very helpful if they are taken with precaution and not overused. My next talk with Lenny will be about duality and we will explore these topics more down the line. Thank you again for your time and comments. All the best!
You posted the same link twice, I think you goofed bro. I have the neveille goddard collection. (I only got the one with his books, it doesn’t have his talks). I just read some of the beginning, where he teaches how to reinterpret the bible. God=self awareness, apostles=aspects of the psyche.
oops. Here’s that book: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1523880929/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_bibl_vppi_i1
This may be of some interest also: http://dougmichaeltruth.com/cognitive-fortresses-and-perceptual-prisons/
Gospel of Thomas: https://www.amazon.com/Gospel-Thomas-Unriddled-Passerby-Dave/dp/1973521644/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
Hello… all I can say is that its a slow and arduous process, and if I’m honest its not one I can tell you how to do it as we’re all different inside and at varying stages in our spiritual growth. I’ll comment on how I did it or to be more accurate how I’m doing it;
1. Face up to all trauma experienced
2. Turn off the TV and don’t partake in the ‘Bread & Circuses’
3. Evaluate all your relationships with friends, associates and family
4. The above 3 should provoke some truths which will hit you in the face, deal with it with some discernment
5. Forgive everyone, make inner peace and be vocal to those who you now know are truthful and you can forgive them and move on with a new relationship, if not… agree to disagree and smile, thats key!
6. Do not judge anyone, not a soul… apply discernment wisely and comprehension of their failings due to their ignorance
7. Plant a seed with the above, then walk away… don’t waste energy pontificating, you need that energy for yourself
8. Walk in nature, as regular as you can, observe its beauty and power… thank it and offer something back as exchange for what we take
9. Read a good book and ask for an understanding of what you’re going to read and most importantly ask how you or what you can do with the message… thats important
10. Walk the path that your wish is fulfilled… and it will, you cannot manifest anything from fresh air, you need to walk through the action/motion, it really works!
11. Pray… daily, ask for knowledge and most importantly how to use it and spread it, and bless everything and everyone!
13. Speak with likeminded people and share experiences, keep good meaningful company
There is a lot more to the above, not enough space to list everything and its also down to perception too… an understanding of natural/universal law will help you massively and I can I suggest you acquire a copy of ‘The Gospel of Thomas’ as this will aid you immensely! Also, get a Bible, unlearn everything you’ve been indoctrinated about it and read with an open mind and paired with Neville Goddard books as Doug suggested will open your heart and mind and you’ll walk in peace with a power like you’ve never had before!
Thanks for listening, its appreciated and myself and Doug are extremely happy that our talks are helping… take care!
Thanks Lenny!
I’ve made more progress on some of those points than others. I have been listening to Doug for quite some time.
Number 1. Ok, this is one I rolled my eyes at. I’m aware of it and I’ve worked at it. After digging a bit I learned something big and put down a few bricks I’ve been carrying around. I realized that, I am somewhat bitter that the masses don’t wake up. I’m especially bitter that I have to pretend I’m something I’m not to even relate to people anymore. I get lost in the pretending and it’s easier to blame others for this difficulty than accept it and move on. My internal dialogue is geared toward convincing others to change (practice conversations that never take place in reality). It is hard to walk in both worlds, to pretend while not getting sucked into the story. But I also learned the hard way that you can’t just drop the act. telling people the truth (all at once) makes them volatile. The new paradigm book says it serves our purposes more to wake people up slowly (the dark forces are preparing an all at once shock). I feel very strongly that abandoning people is just a form of escapism. We are part of this world and we are not better than others. I let go of this need to control/victim mentality/attachment/baggage.
The goal is not to escape physicality. We are supposed to become aware of the filth and withdraw our energy from it (that’s point number 2 you made) the bread and circuses are a fun distraction. they help us to hide the filth for a false reality. After becoming aware of the filth, we need to withdraw our focus from it, by focusing on the paradigm we want to see. At this point I have no vision for the future, nothing I’m focused on beyond the day to day grind.
Thanks for the free psychology session, Lenny and Doug.
You’ve made some extremely valid points there… points I’ve experienced myself, and I feel your pain as its a pain and weight I once carried and its one that’s the most difficult to shake off along with the false reality and filth we have to walk in, and we have to as its all around us!
Trying to wake people up is counter productive, they need to wake themselves up… plant the seed and come back to water it now and then, trying to force it to grow will eventually lead to you drained of energy and a bad crop good for nothing with disdain for the you the sower… we all woke ourselves up through gradual discernment of information put in our way which led to us seeking more off our own backs.
The vision for the future my friend is down to our own perception on what reality should be… all I know is that going back pre COVID is not back to reality, COVID if anything has exposed the false paradigm we’ve been subjected to and should be enough for anyone to create their paradise here and for future generations.
Take care, walk in peace!