Uncomfortable Truth, or Comfortable Ignorance?
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It is a disheartening observation that, in an age where information is more accessible than ever, people selectively curate their beliefs to align with comforting falsehoods rather than facing the bitter and problematic truth.
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2 thoughts on “Uncomfortable Truth, or Comfortable Ignorance?”
I like that phrase you used “Cognitive emancipation “.
I’m not really a sports guy but I think rooting for your favorite political candidate (whatever their political affiliation or whatever they pretend to believe) lights up the same part of the brain that lights up when you are rooting for your favorite football team. You mentioned the Overton Window and that’s a great point. That’s why the democrats pretended to suddenly care about men participating in women’s sports. It’s all part of the old good cop/bad cop dynamic that is playing out on the large scale.
Great work today Doug. I’m guessing this one was aimed at the Trump supporters in your audience, do you think it’s fair to say that you would have more Trump supporters in your audience than Biden supporters? But what is Trump doing about the looming threat of AI? And I thought Trump was supposed to share all the ufo/alien secrets!
I’m willing to bet that most of my audience has removed the left/right splinter from their eye long ago. I’m just amazed at how people so easily fall under the spell and can’t see through the. dialectic. You made some very good points here, thank you!