Doug Michael
“Irrationalism has become the norm throughout American schools. It is therefore very difficult for children who attend those schools to learn how to think-rather than to simply believe whatever propaganda is disseminated at the moment – Dr. Arthur Robinson
As children begin to develop, they are conditioned into the beliefs of their parents; they are brought up within their parent’s religious teachings, traditions, familial structures, and views about society, life and reality. Very few children are allowed to express themselves beyond the control structures of the family or what is generally accepted as “normal.” On rare occasions children are permitted to express their uniqueness; however, it is usually stifled in its infancy. Society is structured to confine consciousness within very narrow and limiting views, ideas, perceptions, thought-forms and possibilities. This limited awareness is then enforced throughout the lifetime of the individual and so few ever realize it, or dare to question that which has been adopted by the indoctrinated consciousness.
At a very early age children begin their journey through the indoctrination process or what we refer to as education. The school system as it is now has nothing to do with bringing enlightenment to children and everything to do with conditioning kids into societal “norms,” instilling uniformity, and forcing conformity. Those that are different are immediately brought back into line in one way or another, even by their own peers. It’s come to the point where children will be mercilessly ridiculed and condemned because they don’t wear the same designer clothes that the “in” kids wear, or for showing their emotions too much. Forget about free thinking, free expression or questioning what the system demands be accepted as unquestionable truth.
Fear of failure and rejection closes down young minds, while more and more Prozac and Ritalin are being prescribed to our young ones for treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder and the clinical depression that ultimately results from treatment. In fact, The DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) has estimated that the number of prescriptions for Ritalin has increased so much since 1991, that out of the 11 million prescriptions, approximately 80% were for the treatment of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Millions of children are prescribed this addictive stimulant-a potent drug which has been shown to alter the brains physiology and whose long-term effects on children have not been fully researched and documented-and that number is rising all the time. The US consumes 90% of Ritalin in the world![i] The Japanese government has outlawed the use of Ritalin in that nation due to its negative side effects as well as its potential for abuse and addiction.
In test after test of academic skills and abilities, American students score last or near-last in comparison with students from several other advanced nations; in fact, the United States ranks 36th in education in the world. The rapidly deteriorating education system is a self-perpetuating cycle of programming. Teachers are indoctrinated by curriculums in which they have little to no control over, due to state and national regulations and in turn, pass on the programming to the students, so the system runs itself. If open-minded teachers dare propose alternative ideas, and encourage students to question and challenge accepted views, often they are ridiculed by their peers and soon find themselves seeking other means of employment. The rigid system is designed to produce robots, or clones built for a lifetime of servitude within the “real world.” Their so-called “real world” is a world of complete illusion. The education system is government training; essentially, it trains children to be compliant debtors to the system.
Of course, the vast majority of the teaching profession has no idea of the strings being pulled and is sincere and well meaning, believing that what they are teaching is accurate and true, and so, the vicious cycle of programming continues. What is referred to as public “education” is strictly controlled from the highest levels to ensure this. Students are tested over and over again, to judge how successfully they can regurgitate the system version of reality that has been force-fed to them; they are rewarded by telling the system what it wants to hear. Questioning official doctrines often leads to poor grades and the labeling of children as failures, misfits, or problem children. This creates an enormous amount of pressure on the young minds and generates overwhelming fear and anxiety, in some extreme cases, it can lead to suicide, as with kids in some countries that jump out of windows during exam week due to the stress.
Because of great fear, of letting their parents down, being labeled a failure, being rejected etc. we see an enormous amount of imbalance within the robot factories. The imbalance manifests itself in the most horrific ways hence the dramatic rise in school violence, student suicides and heavy drug use, even among the very young. Children are all different, but their uniqueness is suppressed as they are uniformly conditioned to conform and think a certain way, as the establishment demands; to become cogs in the wheel of the control paradigm; preparation for a lifetime of mind deadening servitude to the system that rapes the Earth, oppresses multitudes of people, and is designed to bring the wealth of the world further into the hands of the few. Kids are turned into production units. John Taylor Gatto, a veteran teacher of twenty-six years in the New York City public school system has stated in speeches and lectures, that:
“Public education everywhere, teaches a covert curriculum, whether teachers realize it or not.”
He further stated that this curriculum consists of:
“Confusion, class position, indifference, emotional and intellectual dependency, provisional self-esteem, and the feeling that there is no escape from oversight.”
I couldn’t agree more. The picture painted for the people educated solely by the system is one of illusion and many times, utter falsehoods. It supports control paradigm thinking and stifles anything outside of those confines. More and more people are awakening to this and we are witnessing a revolution in in-home schooling and alternative educational methods within the United States. Moreover, the tools are at our disposal in this information age, to gain a well-rounded self-education but so few bother to take advantage of these tools that have become a part of everyday life. Instead, these advanced technologies are used as a means of distraction, or in the case of social networking, a platform to advertise infantilism and cry for attention. In this age, there is simply no excuse for the staggeringly high level of ignorance that pervades our culture. The desire simply isn’t present within most, to want to even bother with expanding their knowledge base; most are completely comfortable within their psychological enslavement, and they ridicule the few that dare to stray outside of the limiting confines of the control paradigm. One thing I’ve discovered in my years is that there are two types of education; the one we get from the system and the one we give to ourselves. Which do you think is more valuable?
The National Center on Education and David Rockefeller’s General Education Board are two prime forces with shared commitment to rapidly create a socialistic, centralized, unified “big brother” society, united under the flag of Communist, Marxist/Leninist ideals. In order to covertly implement a socialistic system, the best place to begin would be within the schools, where young minds are impressionable. By secretly, and strictly regulating curriculums being taught and creating structures of rigidly controlled dogmatic half-truths, and often, complete falsehoods, the dumbing down of our children would be (and is) the desired end result. So many carry these thought patterns into adulthood, never questioning what has been demanded that they accept as literal truths. That seems to be the American way; blindly accept what you are told without question. Countless millions defend false, unrealistic doctrines, based on what has been indoctrinated into their strictly guided belief systems since early childhood.
The General Education Board’s, Occasional Letter Number One, which was issued in 1904, shortly after education became institutionalized, clearly states the ideals and goals of the people who’s funding controls the curriculums for the educational institutions:
“In our dreams, we have limitless resources and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands. The present education conventions fade from their minds, and unhampered by tradition, we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive rural folk. We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers, or men of learning, or men of science. We have not to raise up from among them authors, editors, poets or men of letters. We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters, musicians nor lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen, of whom we have an ample supply. The task we set before ourselves is very simple as well as a very beautiful one, to train these people as we find them to a perfectly ideal life just where they are. So we will organize our children and teach them to do in a perfect way, the things their fathers and mothers are doing in an imperfect way, in the homes, in the shops and on the farms.”
In his 1933 book, The Great Technology, Dr. Harold Rugg spoke about the exact system that has been implemented:
“A new public mind is to be created. How? Only by creating tens of millions of individual minds, and wielding them into a new social mind. Old stereotypes must be broken up and new climates of opinion formed in the neighborhoods of America.”
And further:
“Through the schools of the world we shall disseminate a new conception of government-one that will embrace all the activities of men, one that will postulate the need of scientific control and operation of economic activities in the interest of all people.”
What he’s talking about here, is the creation of uniformity and collectivism on a grand scale, and of global governance. As we examine the latest educational reform efforts, or what has been termed “outcome based education,” and now, Common Core, it appears as if these Socialistic agendas are coming into full fruition.
Through former United States President, Bill Clinton’s Goals 2000 Act, Educate America Act, School to Work Opportunities Act, and Improving America’s Schools Act; which incidentally, were all signed into law by Clinton, in 1994, we can witness the glaringly obvious plan to create a national, subservient workforce. These educational proposals were passed into law by a president whose corruption seems to know no bounds. But I’m sure he had the best intentions of the nation’s children in mind when he passed the educational reform bills into law. Representative Mel Hancock of Missouri stated with regard to Clinton’s Goals 2000 program:
“The National Education Association, in cooperation with the socialistic segments of our government, are attempting to implement the Marxist theories of re-educating a society as part of a potential overthrow of our constitutional government-as advocated by Karl Marx and Joseph Stalin. Even though I originally voted for the bills, I am withdrawing my support and will do everything possible to make sure H.R. 1617 is defeated and will attempt to rescind Goals 2000.”
Outcome based education is a vast social experiment. The climate in the schools is becoming more and more restrictive, especially since September 11, 2001. Our children are being desensitized on a grand scale to the emerging police state society that seems to be unfolding by the minute lately. The latest educational reforms are about creating complete uniformity, “groupthink” mentality and training kids not to think critically and to over stimulate a left-brained approach to learning.
Dr. Shirley McCune, an associate with the National Center on Education stated the true purpose of the outcome based educational programs:
“What we are into is a total restructuring of society. What is happening in America today is not simply a chance situation and the usual winds of change. What it amounts to is a total transformation of our society.”[ii]
Education researchers have been pointing out for some time that a great deal of the education reform efforts have been modeled after ideals directly from the former Soviet Union. The Goals 2000 and other such programs seem to have been created from modeling the Soviet Polytechnical School, which incidentally, has its roots in Marx’s Communist Manifesto. Believers in the Manifesto would never dream of an ideal society that did not consist of a combination of education (indoctrination) and some form of what they consider productive labor. In other words, children will be preparing for a lifetime of servitude to the state. Through psychological profiling, the Polytech system seeks to determine, from as early as the fourth grade level, what a child will do for the rest of his or her life. We see how well this has worked in the former USSR.
What do these outcome based education agendas propose? If more people with school-aged children were aware of these schemes, there would be an entire nation of shocked and outraged people. The following are some of the propositions of the outcome based education agendas:
*The enactment of mental health initiatives designed to monitor children from kindergarten through 3rd grade, to evaluate behavior. If children are “at risk,” or exhibit “abnormal behavior,” they can be removed from their families to become property of the state. Again, the educational reform acts are now law, and are being introduced into schools throughout America.[iii]
*Mass intrusion of social services agencies into homes to evaluate “risk factors.”
*The establishment of socialized physical, social and mental health care within the schools.
*Children’s careers will be chosen for them by workforce development boards and Federal agencies. This will be done through assessments, and in Pennsylvania, this has been done as early as the 3rd grade level! Children will do what the government says they will do!
*National standardized testing that concerns attitudes and values, beliefs, etc. that will be scored according to the government’s standards.
*The inception of a “government” diploma, which will determine: job eligibility, college eligibility, and driving privileges, among other things.
*The enactment of a national database to monitor children.[iv]
These proposals and many others have been enacted into law since the mid-1990s and have gained ground ever since. The climate within American schools has become alarming, especially with the increased use of surveillance cameras, increased violence, and even “shock drills,” in which armed police enter into schools and conduct drills, which includes pointing loaded, automatic weapons at kids as young as six! These incidences have been increasing around the US and should be considered absolutely disturbing to any thinking person.
Children of the State
In 1996, conservative groups in Colorado, concerned about the state’s growing seizure of parental influence, placed a proposed PRA (parental rights amendment) on the Colorado Ballot. This measure did not pass, and if it had, Colorado’s state constitution would have recognized parent’s rights to act as the primary force with regard to the upbringing, education, values and discipline of their children. In other words, the state of Colorado does not view parents as being the recognized and main influence in the upbringing of their own children! The anti PRA lobby, a collection of left wingers formed mostly of union teachers, far left zealots, and gay rights activists, assembled a counter coalition to combat the PRA proposal under the heading of “Protect Our Children,” reflecting the mentality that the state must protect the children from their parents! The anti PRA lobby, which call themselves People for the American Way, denounced the proposed measure as an “attack on the freedom to learn.” The Virginia Senate also rejected an intended PRA, in January of 1996.[v] According to the Newport News Daily Press, the anti PRA Lobby described the proposed PRA as a threat to “the health, safety, and welfare of children.”[vi] Oh really? So, according to the People for the American way, parents acting responsibly in the raising of their own children poses a threat to the children’s well being! This mentality is stunning! This just shows how people are all too willing to give away their power and personal responsibility to authoritarian figures or those in positions of power.
In 1994, the rejection of a PRA in the state of Kansas has shown us again, the reflection of the state’s idea that parents are a threat to their children. Director of the Kansas Education Watch Network, Jim McDavitt, in response to the rejection of the Kansas PRA stated:
“With the defeat of the parental rights amendment, every parent in Kansas was told by over half the legislators, that they are not the primary decision makers in the lives of their children.”[vii]
On March 19, 1996, 59 sixth-grade girls at Lambert Middle School, in East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, were subjected to gynecological examinations, by a state physician who ordered the girls to remove their outer garments and wait in line. Parental permission slips were sent home by East Stroudsburg School District officials prior to these examinations; however, they did not fully explain that genital probing would be a part of the procedures. A number of the students asked to call home first but were denied the right to do so. Several of the students began to cry as a result of this blatant invasion of privacy, and were referred to as “babies” by the school nurse. The school nurse also blocked the door when a few of the girls tried to escape. Several of the teachers at Lambert Middle School sported blue ribbons as a sign of support for the exams. A suit was filed on May 10, 1996, and on July 27, 1999, a jury agreed that the district did not have parental consent to administer these kinds of probing examinations. This case points out the growing violation of student’s rights and the appropriating of power by schools with disregard of the rights of parents and students alike. The Rutherford Institute, which represented six of the girls in this case, is also planning legal action in a Tulsa Oklahoma case, where up to 20 children, ages three and four, attending a Head Start program, were subjected to intrusive genital exams without parental consent, on November 5, 1998. Head Start is a program that offers preschool services for low income earning families.
Another case pending, filed by the ACLU, (American Civil Liberties Union) in US District Court, in Ann Arbor, Michigan, is that of an incident involving strip-searches in Whitmore Lake, Michigan.[viii] A student reported a theft of $354.00, and 25 students were ordered to comply with intrusive strip-searching. The ACLU reports that local police advised school employees to search girls as well as boys, to avoid discrimination charges. Michael Steinberg, legal director of the Michigan ACLU stated: “we hope this lawsuit will send a clear message to school districts across the state that they must stop turning schoolhouses into jailhouses.” Indeed. The ACLU is claiming that neither school officials nor police had probable cause to conduct these searches.
A bill, that is pending before the Senate Committee on Health and Human Services in Sacramento California, bill, AB 2068, which passed by one vote on May 25, 2000, is calling for an intrusive invasion of family privacy by the interrogation of children. Children as young as five would be asked personal questions such as whether or not their parents spank them, keep firearms in the house, or watch violent television shows. Under bill AB 2068, guidelines set by the American Academy of Pediatrics would be used by the Child Health and Disability Prevention program. Approximately 2 million children were screened by this program in 2001.[ix] Libertarian state chair Mark Hinkle stated:
“None of these questions is the government’s business. Children should never be put into the position of telling on their parents-especially poor children who may have no other alternative for health screening than unpleasant, oppressive government programs.”
Other intrusive probing that the bill would ask of children include whether the children’s parents or family members have substance abuse problems, and whether the parents are employed or not. Is it any wonder that parents in the United States are growing increasingly dissatisfied with the public school system? All of this is part of an agenda to desensitize children and to ready them for a lifetime of government intrusion into their lives, and one of servitude to the state.
Violence and crime within American educational institutions
A report issued by the United States National Institute of Justice, in February of 1996 revealed the following statistics concerning the increasing crime rate within our public schools:
*Nearly 3 million, thefts and violent crimes transpire either on or near school campuses each year. This adds up to approximately 16,000 occurrences per school day or one every six seconds! Of these three million crimes, nearly half are considered to be violent, i.e. rape, burglary, and muggings.
*Between the grades of 9th and 12th, approximately 20% of all students stated that they had carried a weapon at least once, 30 days prior to the survey. The ratios of weapons carried were: knives or razors 55%, clubs 24%, firearms 20%.
*In two recent academic years there were 105 reported cases of school associated, violent death crimes. 85 of these reported deaths were homicides, while 20 were suicides. 30% of these deaths occurred in elementary schools, 70% in secondary schools. In rural schools: 10%, in suburban 30%, in urban areas 60%. Firearms were used in 75% of these cases
*In the period of one month, nearly one out of five public school teachers reported being verbally abused. 8% stated that they had been physically threatened, and 2% reported being attacked. Through the 1994-1995 school years in New York City, the nation’s largest school system, 3,984 teachers were the victims of crimes ranging from criminal mischief to sexual assaults and other related offenses. Between the ages of 7 and 10 years old, 71% of school children worry about being stabbed or shot to death in school, or at home. Nice burden to be on the minds of first, second and third graders eh?
Drug use is also on the rise within our schools, and increased significantly between the years of 1992-1995. Marijuana use among 8th graders increased from 6% in 1991, to 16% in 1995. Among 10th graders, usage increased nearly 100%. From 15% in 1992, to 29% in 1995, and among 12th graders usage increased nearly 50% from 1992-1995.
During the 2006-2007 school years, in the Dallas area of Texas, 145 arrests were made for possession of a new and cheaper form of Heroin called “cheese.” This potent form of Heroin is finding its way into the schools. Dallas drug treatment centers claim that the Heroin problem among teenagers has become very common.[x]
School shootings
Kids murdering fellow students and faculty alike have been increasing in the schools too. Certain elements of the media, and establishment shills, or simply people that still believe that the system is working downplay these horrors as just a few isolated incidences. In my mind, if it happens just once, that kids show up to school with loaded weapons, and then begin opening fire on other kids, it’s a sure sign that something is wrong and should be addressed. The following are just a few of such incidences:
*March 24, 1998: Westside Middle School, Jonesboro Arkansas. Four students and one teacher were killed by gunfire, and ten others were wounded after the school emptied due to a false fire drill. The killers were identified as Mitchell Johnson, age13, and Andrew Golden, age 11.
*May 21, 1998. Thurston High School, Springfield Oregon. Gunfire killed two students, and wounded 22 others in the school cafeteria. The shooter, fifteen-year-old Kip Kinkel, was arrested and released one day earlier on gun charges. Later, his parents were found murdered at home. It has been shown that Kinkel was previously treated with SSRI drugs.
*April 20, 1999. Columbine High School, Littleton Colorado.14 students and one teacher were killed after an hour-long shooting episode. The assailants had plotted for a year to kill at least 500 people and detonate an explosive device within the school, according to official reports. Finally, they killed themselves in one of the most brutal school shooting to date in the United States. (At least one of the shooters, Eric Harris, was shown to be treated with the drug Luvox, a toxic, SSRI, anti-depressant).
*Blacksburg Virginia, April 16, 2007, 33 killed at Virginia Tech School. This was the deadliest school shooting in US history to date. Almost immediately following this killing, lawmakers were calling for stricter gun control laws. The shooter was previously treated for depression, which included the use of SSRI drugs.
*February 29, 2000. Buell Elementary School, Flint Michigan: a six- year-old girl was killed after being shot by another student, also six years of age.
These incidents of children murdering children in school are not isolated to the US, or North America, they are increasing globally. Perhaps when six-year-olds arrive in 1st grade class, with firearms, and open fire on other children; and these horrific and disturbing events are increasing around the world, maybe then it becomes time for a nation, indeed a planet, to collectively remove their heads from their asses and wake up. All the while, our national and world leaders cry out for stricter gun control laws and further reductions of personal liberties. Some of these same pseudo leaders who are rallying for arms control, and in many cases removal of guns altogether from civilians, have they themselves been implicated in arms smuggling operations! This is no accident. There is a grand design behind all of this insanity. However, gun control really does work, as Joseph Stalin and Adolph Hitler have proven. It works within a fascist dictatorship. Somehow, I find it hard to believe that our big-brotherly global masters have our best intentions in mind.
Violence is increasing exponentially in American schools, but not just among kids against other kids; the rising police state we are witnessing is becoming blatantly obvious in the schools. In March of 2015, an eighth grade student in Virginia was struck with a Taser by a cop. The cop stated that he was assaulted by the child but offered no evidence. The child was also charged with felony assault on an officer.[xi]
This is not some rare occurrence; it has been increasing in recent years at an alarming rate. In Feb, 2015, in Louisville Kentucky, a school cop punched a 13-year-old in the face for cutting in line. This same piece-of-shit fascist also held a child off of the ground in a chokehold and dropped him to the floor. Instead of getting the child medical help, he simply left him there. The child suffered brain damage.[xii] Again, these occurrences are happening all of the time in fascist Amerika. Children are being trained to accept the growing police state.
Despite increased governmental spending on education, statistics show repeatedly, the rapid decline and failure of our educational system. The more that governmental involvement in education increases, it seems, the more the system declines. Further statistics also show, that since the 1960s, the more government funding increases, the more the illiteracy rate also increases. Now, with the government’s massive spending on education, 44 million Americans remain illiterate and another 50 million cannot read or comprehend above the 8th grade level. That rate will only climb, with people like Obama at the helm. The massively increased governmental involvement in education will only ensure that what is taught in schools will be the propaganda that the government wants taught.
Schools nowadays seem to more and more resemble minimum security prisons, with metal detectors, security cameras, armed guards, mandatory drug testing of students, imposed ID cards, and an ever increasing number of children taking mind-altering prescription medication, often despite parental objections.
The latest increase in educational expenditures, under a bill introduced by former President George W. Bush, under the heading of, Leave no child behind, increased the Department of Education’s overall budget from 6.7 billion dollars, to close to 49 billion dollars in fiscal 2002! What needs to be understood is that as the financiers continually increase spending on public education, more and more control is obtained by the financiers, and wrestled away from local, state, and parental groups. They’ve already admitted that their agenda is to restructure society. If schools do not adhere to the mandates of the people providing the funding, then funds get slashed. In addition, districts all across the nation are bowing down to government mandates, allowing the decision making power to rest solely with the government and its financiers who ultimately control the funding; therefore, how the schools will be run and what will be taught.
Further mandates introduced by the government’s increasing intrusion into public education include:
*Unelected school and community councils which will make decisions at the local level.
*Mandatory testing of attitudes. 60% of test items on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) concern attitudes[xiii]
*In-school health and psychiatric clinics to determine physical and psychological health of children. As we’ve already seen, protesting a school psychiatrist’s recommendation of prescribing Ritalin to a child is tantamount to child abuse in the state’s eyes, as with a case in Albany, New York, and others, where parents were threatened with the removal of their children from them by CPS (Child Protection Services) for refusing to place their children on Ritalin.[xiv] Parents were accused of child abuse and “medical neglect.” In other words, as the government increases its funding, parents have less and less say in decisions that directly affect their children.
*The introduction of pornography, including homosexual pornography, as instructional materials to teach children “tolerance.” World Net Daily, an independent news source reported:
*“Instructions on homosexual sodomy and a glorified account of lesbian pedophilia are among the instructional materials approved by the Los Angeles Unified School District for use [in instructing/teaching] elementary through high school students.” Apparently, a bill proposed to block this type of instruction was defeated. Tolerance is something that we definitely need more of in the world; however, pornography, be it hetero, or homosexual in nature, has no business whatsoever in the schools, especially if it depicts illegal and vile activities such as pedophilia.”
Imagine if your nine-year-old third-grader came home from school one day and claimed that in school, they learned about adult sex with children. Would you be outraged? The invisible rulers know that to destabilize a society they need to begin with the children. Turning out a nation of well-educated young people is not part of the agenda. Producing a generation of stupid and docile robots is what the Consortium has in mind. The plan is to indoctrinate an entire generation, and it’s working.
Points to consider:
*In 2001, 35 schools in Pennsylvania have adopted a fingerprint scanning system for school lunch programs. Students must first scan their fingerprints to obtain school lunches. In Akron Ohio, the school board voted to spend $700,000 to introduce the fingerprint scanning system. The introduction of this scanning technology has aroused major concern among parents and privacy advocate groups. Of course, spokespersons in favor of this invasive technology have assured the concerned people and the press that privacy will be the main concern.[xv]
*In Oakland High School, in Oakland California, two students were removed from a class discussion simply for stating their feelings about the war in Iraq, and making comments about the President of the US. The teacher reported the students, and they were detained by US Secret Service, interrogated, and questioned without legal council! An Oakland High School teacher stated that when the boys asked for legal council, the Secret Service agents detaining them replied, “we own you, you don’t have any legal rights.”[xvi] So much for free expression in the classroom! This is what Americans have to look forward to in post 911 Amerika. Children are being desensitized and made examples of. This is just outrageous, and in my opinion, the teacher who turned in these students should be given an all-expense paid, one-way trip to Guantanamo Bay!
*The latest statistics show that 135,000 children take guns to school annually.[xvii]
*Close to 20% of American 8th graders have experimented with “huffing” (snorting toxic chemicals such as glue).
*Approximately 4 million children that suffer with learning disabilities do not have those problems addressed.[xviii]
*Public schools are increasingly becoming a platform for corporate sponsorship. Towards the end of the nineties, a whopping 1,384% increase in agreements between schools and soft-drink bottlers was observed.[xix] Schools are being turned into billboards for corporate advertisers as high ranking district officials sell out and subject children to a massive bombardment of advertising (which has recently shown a 539% increase) including corporate sponsored curriculums and lesson plans.[xx]
*The school district in Biloxi Mississippi has installed some 500 web-cameras in its schools, which monitor every classroom and the school’s hallways. Deputy Superintendent Robert Voles has stated: “They’ve been well received in the community; we have not had any problems or complaints whatsoever.” Parents and teachers alike have stated that they feel safer. This is the problem; people are willing to trade privacy for the illusionary feeling of safety and security. Our children are being desensitized to a surveillance society, and far too few seem to realize it as they relinquish their personal liberties. Maryann Graczyk, president of the Mississippi American Federation of Teachers stated: “In observance of the democratic process, we’re willing to give up a lot of privacy in the interest of safety.” Apparently, the cost to install big brother’s watchful eye in Biloxi schools has cost 2 million dollars![1]
*One out of five graduates today cannot even fill out a job application. One out of four schools are using textbooks that were published in 1980 or prior.
*In late 2002, in Port St. Lucie, Florida, two 9-year-olds were arrested and charged with felony possession of marijuana, with intent to distribute. The two third-graders had planned to sell the drugs to other students.[xxi]
*On Monday, November 10, 2003, CNN news service reported a drug raid that took place at Stratford High School in Goose Creek, South Carolina. Following a police investigation into “suspicious” activity based on monitoring school surveillance cameras, police entered the school with guns drawn, forcing students to get down on their knees at gunpoint. A canine unit was brought in to sniff for drugs and 12 book bags were searched as the dogs responded positively. Students reported that police were overly aggressive, and the main point to consider here is that no drugs were found and no arrests were made![xxii] The mere thought of a child coming home from school one day and reporting to his/her parents that they were held at gunpoint in a drug raid that turned up no drugs to me is simply chilling and disturbing.
Around the country, there has been an increasing number of mock terror drills, or “shock drills” in schools. In 2006, in Michigan, in both a junior high school and high school, armed officers entered into the schools, frisked students and demanded to know what the kids had in their pockets. Students and parents were unaware that these drills were to take place, and even the faculty was given only a moment’s notice.[xxiii] The children were terrified, which is precisely the purpose of these drills. The maneuvers being conducted ever increasingly are designed to desensitize children to the unfolding totalitarian state.
In an article entitled “Armed men Terrorize School: Michigan raid part of unfolding agenda to mold schools into prisons and students into obedient slaves,” published in 2006, by the documentary filmmaker and TV/radio talk show host Alex Jones, and the journalist, Paul Joseph Watson, they spelled out clearly what is going on:
“Michigan is the epicenter of the agenda to mould all schools into youth internment centers, indoctrinating all children to accept the presence of surveillance cameras, biometric scanning to access buildings and buy food, ID tracking cards and men in uniforms pointing guns at them as normal. Allied to this is the openly stated agenda not to educate but to dumb down students and brainwash them with bizarre humanist rhetoric about the evils of the family, all in preparation for their smooth acquiescence into enslaved adulthood as a downtrodden worker bee under the control matrix of the elite.”[xxiv]
In St. Petersburg, Florida, in 2005, a five-year-old girl was handcuffed by police for throwing a temper tantrum.[xxv] If teachers need the police to help them handle a kindergartener, then perhaps they shouldn’t be teaching!
In May 2007, in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, a teacher and assistant principal told sixth-grade students on a school trip, that armed gunmen were on the loose, shooting indiscriminately and that they were in danger.[xxvi] The horrified children were forced to get under tables. Another sick teacher drove a car up to the building where the children were being held, and flashed the headlights, while another placed a sweatshirt over his head and rattled the doors. This was a planned “learning experience” according to the nut cases involved. Terrorizing young children is an acceptable part of their education then? Those involved should be fired and have their teaching licenses revoked. This incident and any other that involves terrorizing children in this way constitutes a form of psychological torture. But then, that is the idea.
In another incident, in Fort Worth, Texas, an officer was shot in the head and killed by a fellow officer during a shock drill.
I would suggest also, that when a government has more say over what gets put into your child’s body, than a parent does, then it’s time to stop complying with the establishment’s insanity. For instance, in 2000, 77 families in Utica, New York, were threatened to have their children removed from them by the state. And what was their crime? They did not want to have their kids vaccinated with the potentially dangerous, Hepatitis B inoculation. At the time, New York State hadn’t yet banned the use of Thimerosol in the Hep. B vaccines. Even though there is no actual law to mandate vaccines, what the schools do, is first try to force compliance. If that doesn’t work, they don’t allow the unvaccinated kids to attend; they expel them. Then they go after the parents for truancy. The government, and its behind the scenes rulers determine what will go into your child’s body, be it harmful vaccines, mind bending, addictive stimulants, or the crap they are indoctrinating our kids with, and passing off as education. And you will have nothing to say about it! Non-compliance results in your kids becoming wards of the state.
The entire system has been re-engineered to create a subservient nation of sheep, a sleepwalking labor force, devoid of individuality, and perfectly unified in thought, as the American mindset is cloned to become as a herd. Uniformity, violence, pornography, strip-searches, profiling, intellectual suppression, surveillance, brainwashing, and corporate targeting, while drugs and weapons run rampant. Everything is going according to plan, and so very few are even remotely aware of it.
Common Core
Perhaps nothing exemplifies the restructuring of education as much as the current Common Core curriculums implemented throughout American schools. Although the aforementioned information is a bit dated, it lays out the agenda to completely control and regulate what is taught within the robot factories. Goals 2000 and other education reforms have evolved into the Common Core program.
Common Core essentially is about standardized testing. It’s the next phase of the agenda to create a hyper, left-brained cognition for the next generation of system servers. It is an outgrowth of the colossal failure, No Child Left Behind. Teaching decisions are removed from educators and placed in the hands of big government. Common Core is the next phase of government intrusion into public education, and the standardized testing is in place to ensure that kids will adopt the Consortium’s version of reality.
The Gate’s foundation provided $160 million in funding, without which, this program would not exist.[xxvii] Common Core is slated to determine if children at the third-grade level are college ready or not.[xxviii] In an article titled, “The Problems with Common Core,” author Stan Karp explains that:
“A decade of NCLB [No Child Left Behind] tests showed that millions of students were not meeting existing standards, but the sponsors of the Common Core decided that the solution was tougher ones. And this time, instead of each state developing its own standards, the Common Core seeks to create national tests that are comparable across states and districts, and that can produce results that can be plugged into the data-driven crisis machine that is the engine of corporate reform.”[xxix]
And further:
“Reports from the first wave of Common Core testing provide evidence for these fears. Last spring, students, parents, and teachers in New York schools responded to new Common Core tests developed by Pearson with outcries against their length, difficulty, and inappropriate content. Pearson included corporate logos and promotional material in reading passages. Students reported feeling overstressed and under prepared-meeting the tests with shock, anger, tears, and anxiety. Administrators requested guidelines for handling tests students had vomited on. Teachers and principals complained about the disruptive nature of the testing process and many parents encouraged their children to opt out.”[xxx]
Control what is taught to the kids and you will create a next generation of obedient, state serving, worker drones, and that is the idea. The fact that the Gate’s Foundation is behind this speaks volumes.
The “new math” being pushed by the CC curriculums seems designed to confuse kids.

In typical, Orwellian “newspeak” fashion, CC is restructuring the old teaching methods and simply making things more complicated and confusing for children. For example, a mathematical word problem is now referred to as a “math situation.” Instead of simply instructing students to borrow, CC math instructs kids to “take a ten and regroup it as ten ones.” Adding has become “increasing” and subtracting has become “decreasing.”

This is all part of the agenda to monitor people from cradle to grave and collect massive personal information. The massive increase in testing is designed to monitor how well kids can repeat what has been indoctrinated into their belief systems and to gauge their level of programming. Another issue with the CC implementation is the massive collection of data and loss of privacy, including the collection of biometric information, psychological profiling and genetic screening.[xxxi]
The home schooling revolution
There is currently a revolution taking place within the United States, a strong desire of concerned and awakening parents to assume an active role in the direction of their children’s education. Well over two million families in the United States are currently home schooling their children. Home schooling has rapidly become a significant embarrassment to the public education system as statistics prove repeatedly, the superiority of home schooling methods, compared to the mind deadening indoctrination touted within the robot factories. SAT’s (scholastic aptitude tests) are being used as tools for social engineering, as students are forced to answer “politically correct” questions, and in some cases, students must give answers they know are false, to appease the manipulators who designed the tests.[xxxii]
The entire structure of the education system appears to be a tool for not only the mass programming of minds, but one of separation as well. Children, in their most formative years, are sent to school early in the morning, for six or more hours, and sent home with piles of homework, insuring that the time they have to engage in actual thinking for themselves is limited. The mass majority spend what little free time is left, sitting in front of the television, the main hypnotizing, indoctrination tool, filling their minds with meaningless drivel. Children are grouped together with other children of their own age group (age segregation) for many years, which often times limits their ability to interact effectively with people of other age groups.
The number of home schooled children is growing at a rate of 7%, to 15% per year. A comprehensive study conducted by the National Home Education Research Institute, which was the largest ever of its kind, concluded that on average, home schooled children score dramatically higher than their publicly educated peers. The study concluded that the home educated repeatedly score as well as or better, on average, than those schooled conventionally. Data was collected on 5,042 students from 1,657 families. The academic achievement of home schoolers was considerably higher, in all areas, than those attending public or private school. It is important to note that the vast majority of home school parents do not hold any teaching degrees, and most often, have not been trained, or even certified in teaching. Anyone can home school, all that it requires, is a strong willingness and dedication, and the commitment to act responsibly towards reaching the goal of attaining a well-rounded education for your children. Patricia Lines of the US Department of Education has stated concerning home education:
“[They] have not turned their backs on the broader social contract as understood at the time of the founding of America. Like the anti-federalists, these homeschoolers are asserting their historic individual rights so that they may form more meaningful bonds with family and community. In doing so, they are not abdicating from the American agreement. To the contrary, they are affirming it.”[xxxiii]
The national average on standardized achievement tests falls within the fifty-percentile range, while home-educated students consistently score within the eighty-percentile range, on average.[xxxiv]
The national average for publicly schooled students, who achieve above average on the standardized testing, is 50%, while the average of home schoolers who score above average is 73%! The home educated score equal to, or better than conventional school students on achievement tests.[xxxv]
Of course, people that home school are attacked by the current, establishment paradigms as wacky, religious zealots, or even as terrorists. In fact, in yet another shock drill, in Muskegon, Michigan, in September, 2004, an attack on school children was simulated by a fake group called: “Whackos against schools and education who believe everyone should be home schooled.”[xxxvi] The exercise was complete with mannequins that represented dead students which were transported to the county morgue, and firefighters responding to this drill as if it were an actual attack. This mock terrorist attack was funded by federal Homeland Security grants awarded to the school district. Terrified parents rushed to the school and to the local emergency rooms, believing their kids had been killed!
Funnily enough, a home schooled kid has never walked into a school building and started shooting fellow students; it’s the public schooled kids that do that. The whole idea of portraying home schoolers as terrorists is to discredit the movement, and to make people think that only the government schools are legitimate or effective. The climate of fear and paranoia in this country since the attacks of 9/11/2001 is simply ridiculous, but it is meant to be this way. That so many are falling for it to me is staggering. People just blindly accept these outrages as normal, they hand over their power and liberty, they allow children to be psychologically traumatized, and they say and do nothing about it. Indeed, they go along with it!
These incidences have nothing to do with “terrorism preparedness.” They are designed to dehumanize and to desensitize children and adults alike into accepting the authoritarian state that is unfolding by the moment. Most however, remain completely oblivious to it. The FBI in Phoenix, Arizona issued a flyer during the Clinton presidency, listing “defenders of the constitution” and “lone individuals” as potential terrorists. Might that include people that home school their children? Certain agencies in fact have included home schoolers as potential terrorists. Since the movement towards home schooling is an act of independence, and separation from the system, I feel certain that it will continue to be attacked in the coming years, and that there will probably eventually be moves made to outlaw it altogether. In California, there have already been bills proposed to outlaw home schooling. Why would that be, since statistics show over and over again that home schooling is working? To me the answer is clear.
The fact that the education system is being used as a vehicle to drug and condition children, and to desensitize them should sound alarm bells in anyone that is even remotely aware; the fact that it really hasn’t too much, shows that so few truly are aware.
The Consortium network and those who slavishly serve it have infiltrated America and many other countries as well. They understand that to mold children’s minds from a young age and to indoctrinate them into the version of reality that serves them, will insure that a future generation of robotic, sleepwalking and non-questioning automatons will willingly serve the control paradigm.
[iii] Education researcher Anita Hoge:
[iv] Ibid
[v] The New American Magazine, Vol. 13, no. 15, 1997
[vi] Ibid
[vii] Ibid
[viii] Detroit Free Press:
[ix] 6-27-00.
[x] CNN :
[xiii] Article: “Our National Education system: a $49 Billion Dollar Disaster:” http://www.cnsnews/viewcommentary.asp?Page=\Commentary\archive\200201\COM20020125b.html
[xv] This was reported in World Net Daily, an excellent alternative news source. May 28, 2003.
[xviii] Ibid
[xix] Michael Moore, Stupid White Men: and other Sorry Excuses for the State of the Nation, pg. 110. 2001, Harper Collins Publishers.
[xxiv] Ibid
[xxvi] The Chicago Tribune, May 15, 2007 :,1,942054.story?coll=chi-news-hed&ctrack=1&cset=true
[xxvii] “The problems with Common Core:
[xxviii] Ibid
[xxix] Ibid
[xxx] Ibid
[xxxii] Practical Home Schooling Periodical, Dr. Arthur Robinson’s article, “My Children Teach Themselves.”
[xxxiv] Ibid, facts pp. 2
[xxxv] Ibid
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