Recently, the president came to the city where I live. The divided herd was out in full force. Here’s my take on it.
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4 thoughts on “The Polarized and Divided Herd”
Have you checked out this Youtube Channel?
Academy of Ideas
In case anyone was wondering, here’s a quick summary about DEPOPULATION:
Some of the information is debatable, but other than that, I find this to be a somewhat accurate view of the entire Depopulation Agenda; If it’s not the GMOs or other chemicals causing rapid age growth, then it’s the ideologies that the masses embrace.
(The Incredibles 2) Screenslavers Tyler Durden Speech:
“Screenslaver interrupts this program for an important announcement.
Don’t bother watching the rest. Elastigirl (The Hero) doesn’t save the day; She’s only postponing her defeat and while she’s doing that, you eat chips and watch her solve problems that you’re too lazy to deal with.
Superheroes are apart of a brainless desire to replace true experience with simulations
You don’t talk. You watch Talk Shows.
You don’t play games. You watch Game Shows.
Travel. Relationships. Risks.
Everything meaningful experience must be packaged and delivered to you…so that you can remain ever-sheltered, ever-passive, ever-ravenous consumers who can’t bring themselves to rise from their couches, break a sweat, and participate in life.
You want superheroes to protect you and make yourselves evermore powerless in the process.
You tell yourself you’re being looked after. That your rights are being upheld. So that the system can keep stealing from you.
Go ahead. Send your Superheroes to stop me.
Grab your snacks. Watch your TV Screens and see what happens.
Thanks Orlmond!