With scathing sarcasm, dark humor, and cutting vitriol, Doug Michael shines a floodlight of truth upon this darkened world. The Cataclysm Chronicles goes a long way to capture the bizarre psychodrama that public life has become, which resembles nothing like the America we once knew and loved. Once again, Doug boldly peels back the layers of the lies told to us by the Consortium that are pressing down on every man woman and child while telling them they are free. Doug’s latest work is yet again ahead of the rest in shedding light on the frightening self-fulfilling prophesies of our modern times.
Doug does an outstanding job describing how the Consortium manipulates the population through propaganda, psychological manipulation and the outright restructuring of human consciousness. The Consortium also works on our fear of death and our fear of isolation. People go through their whole lives never knowing they’ve been manipulated by such a powerful and occulted evil force. A force that is enslaving them rather than looking out for them. What people think is a protective cradle is really a prison cell. Because they’ve never been truly free they can’t tell the difference.
Doug’s Latest work is as timely as it is necessary. It demands to be read! The world is teetering on the edge of eternity. Our world is blurring away. We need someone to show us up from down again. Black from white. Right from wrong. Hope from cataclysm. This thoughtful volume will do just that.