What a curious world in which you humans dwell. So much beauty, yet also so much ugliness in abundance.
You pathetic creatures seem to embrace the contorted ways of imbalance, favoring the darkness and allowing all that is magnificent to be raped and spat upon.
As one navigates through the labyrinth of human existence, one cannot help but be astounded by the stark contrasts that define your realm.
The glimmer of hope shimmers against the backdrop of despair, creating a tapestry woven with threads of both splendor and squalor.
It is a world where the light struggles to pierce through the thick veil of darkness, where moments of pure joy are often overshadowed by the relentless march of sorrow.
You contemptible beings seem enraptured by this dance of dichotomy, perpetuating cycles that tarnish the brilliance that could otherwise thrive.
Imbalance rules this plane of existence. Quite obviously, the scales are tipped in favor of darkness in this virtual reality.
What you perceive as real is illusion. Your world is a theatrical stage production; it’s a comedic tragedy, a cornucopia of joy and lunacy.
You spiritually devoid rejects misplace your faith and trust into sadists that want to kill you and destroy your children, and you let them.
Amidst all of the ugliness is immense beauty. Amidst the darkness is light, amidst damnation there is rebirth. Amidst your struggles there is salvation.
Merging the polarities and dualities into one cohesive balance within is the only solution.
This beautiful filth pit is full of joy, sorrow, exaltation, suffering, life, death salvation and nothingness. The extremes of duality rule this world of imbalance.
When you find the reconciliation within, then there will be peace.