Primate Syphilis
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Ladies and gentlemen, just when you thought the deadliest plague known to man was over, the world now faces a dangerous pandemic of primate syphilis, better known as Monkeypox.
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4 thoughts on “Primate Syphilis”
Great job Doug! Many of the things you were talking about years ago are coming true. I wish you were wrong. Georg Soros Klaus Schwab, the great reset and many of the other characters, plot twists and concepts you have described are being discussed by more and more mainstream news outlets.
Thanks David. I wish I was wrong too. Stay strong brother!
I can’t wait to get my monkey pox vaccine! Anything is better than death, even eternal enslavement in a digital hive mind hell curated by Elon Musk is better than death. All praise Prophet Gates and Prophet Fauci. They are so smart to be able to accurately predict a covid outbreak AND a monkeypox outbreak! I trust them and I would personally let Bill Gates babysit my children and I pray to Science that he can even vaxx them with his own angelic hands. Looking forward to microchips. God speed!
🙂 Thank you Missy! I needed a good belly laugh today. Walk in peace.