Normalcy Bias and Cognitive Dissonance
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In this talk, Doug gives a brief overview of the psychological phenomena of normalcy bias and cognitive dissonance.
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2 thoughts on “Normalcy Bias and Cognitive Dissonance”
“They applaud their own enslavement” How true. This is a very timely podcast on a historical level and also on a very personal level for me. As it relates to history, the widespread denial that you are describing here Doug, is becoming more and more absurd by the day. The actors who play our rulers are either getting more and more brazen in behaving like gaslighting clowns or they are so complacent that they are just phoning their performances in. But people still want to believe that our “leaders” have our best interests at heart. They have openly lied and admitted to lying about corona-wuhan-faucie-19. If we are facing a public health emergency – why aren’t they telling us to get healthier by boosting our immune systems, getting more exercise or taking vitamin D? Don’t wear a mask – wait – wear a mask…but you won’t have to wear a mask if you get the vaccine…no wait – you should still wear a mask even if you get the vaccine but you don’t have to wear a mask if you are a politician or a celebrity. I could go on and on but I’m sure everyone who listens to your podcasts could tell dozens of stories about the ruling class of their own nations acting with complete contempt for the citizens who they are supposed to be serving. We are all seeing the biggest power grab in history happening right before our eyes. While our late-night comedians and news anchors clamor about the dangers of cor-oh-no-a virus, they willfully deny the danger of unchecked political power. It killed tens of millions of people in the twentieth century – but that is no longer taught in our schools.
On a personal level, as you know, I’ve been dealing with the recent passing of my beloved wife, Joanne – or Jo as you and I knew her. I know it’s part of the grieving process, but I still catch myself thinking about her as if I can call out to her in the next room. To paraphrase Jordan Peterson, our lives are often tragic and tainted by malevolence. And for the last few weeks I’ve had my share of both. But these podcasts – that I hope to be a part of again – are always a shot in the arm for me. I just realized what that sounds like but I mean they are a shot of courage in the face of danger and clarity in the face of chaos. You’ve been there for me as a friend and a brother in these difficult times and I can’t thank you enough.
I guess I rambled a little bit here but this podcast prompted me to dig deep.
Walk in the Fire.
PS: “Let’s go Brandon!” 🙂
Thank you so much for that brother. The denial prevalent with many people, even ones I know personally astounds me to no end. The evidence stares them in the face but normalcy bias takes hold of their minds. This generation of spoiled and entitled youth who have gone through the brainwashing process (public school) is in for a huge shakeup and a rude awakening. I still hear things like: “it’s not going to happen in my lifetime.” Or: “there aren’t any shortages.” Astounding.
I was at the local Walmart yesterday and the shelves in all departments were at about half capacity. The rug has been pulled out from under us and still many will not see it. They refuse to dismantle their cognitive fortresses in the face of collapse and it’s so bewildering to observe. I recently had a young lady (25 or so) laugh at me when I suggested that we are at war. She boasted that she had received her “vaccine.” One other kid told me to “just think happy thoughts.” Great plan.
I’ve been gently encouraging those in my circle to get stocked up on supplies and the comments I have gotten leave me incredulous. They have put so much faith into the system that is now in freefall all around them and yet they still beLIEve that everything is going to fix itself while they maintain their material pursuits. Like I say, life is about to kick them upside the head! The normalcy bias is amplified to insane levels.
I miss her too David. Whenever you are ready to do the talks again, just let me know brother. Walk in the fire my friend!