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6 thoughts on “Modern Day Socialism, or Communism by any Other Name”
I think of communism as all of the things discussed and also: the biggest scam ever perpetrated on the human race in all its history. I believe that communism is a scam, a con job, created by the very richest people on the planet as an instrument to consolidate global wealth and power. The very people these communists rail against the the very same folks who fund, organize and ultimately control the groups and people who push communism worldwide. Remember Alexander Solzhenitsyn: the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators (of communism). Kind of narrows it down, doesn’t it?
Thanks Billy! I couldn’t have said it better! It is a scam, a murderous one that leaves nothing but misery in its wake. Check out some of the Yuri Bezmenov interviews:
It’s so amazing to me how heavily indoctrinated Americans have allowed themselves to become. Thank you so much for the comment and for listening Billy! David and I appreciate it very much. Walk in peace my friend!
Thanks for the insightful response Billy. It amazes me that now more than ever, the left tends to call anyone who disagrees with them a Nazi. I wonder how many of them are aware that Nazi is short for National Socialist? Everything seems to be backwards. They argue that it is not the government’s job to enforce national borders but it is the government’s job to indoctrinate children into LGBTQ culture.
Guys… you think PJW was funny breaking this down, watch this and the other videos he commentates
Trust me, this guy is funny and rips the conference apart!
However, you need to watch his playlists ripping up socialism and communism mixed with comedy!
Peace out brothers ?
Will do Lenny. I love non PC commentary. Have you ever heard of Steve Hughes?
That was good Lenny. This crap needs to be made fun of!