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Doug discusses alarming new statistics concerning Jabo, and reveals still more absurdity regarding the official narrative.
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7 thoughts on “Jabageddon”
None of this is new to me, but it’s masterfully presented none the less! Thanks Doug!
Thank you! I appreciate your encouragement. All the best!
I realize this is a big change in topic from the jabageddon stuf, but I wrote this short story this morning and wanted to share it with a group who will appriciate it.
“There was once a man who placed his wealth in spirit. One day, he went to the temple to feast. The congregation grew and each man purchased a single slice of truth. But this man, being wealthy, purchased not one but three slices. He sat and ate, not knowing that his great portion would cause jealousy among the congregation. Conflict grew, but the man simply sat and ate his truth. When he finished he looked around, and behold there was a table full of yet more truth and no one else partaking. For all the men there, were merely interested in arguing the points of fairness. Thus, the man kept eating, one slice after another, until he had eaten all. Having finished the feast, he returned home to contemplate his new found wisdom and left the congregation destitute, for they had little left to offer him.”
Thank you for sharing this.
Great work, Doug. I am now listening to this for the second time.
Liked it bro thanks for all you do over the coming days hear in Europe they are heading for another lock down well as the government is not throwing cash about now to pubs clubs ect we should see the sheep attack this as got to be a dream comedy waiting for the alarm clock to go off peace all 🙂 and the show is about to go to next level
It’s the same here. Our unelected governor is rolling out the tyranny. It was weird being the only unmasked person in the stores lately. Stay strong brother. The ride is about to get bumpy.