It’s all Connected: A Brief Overview of some Current Events
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Things are unfolding so rapidly on the global stage that it has become very difficult to keep up with the continuously shifting narrative and swiftly changing current events.
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5 thoughts on “It’s all Connected: A Brief Overview of some Current Events”
The NYC shooting happened the day after Biden spoke out about gun control (specifically ghost guns). And low and behold the shooter is accused of using ghost guns! In reality he attempted to file off the serial numbers, an action that is already illegal. It is obvious to me that the goal behind ghost gun propaganda is to move toward gun registration.
Another tactic they are using is to inject the language “common sense gun control”, which is too ambiguous to be legally meaningful. What they want is for the ATF to have discretion to “interpret” existing laws. Thus, they will be able to go after anyone for any reason, because… common sense. Yet, these people can’t even define a woman or recognize the bodily mutilation of “trans” indoctrinated children as wrong. And, they will claim to have common sense enough to treat gun owners fairly! Lmao!
One thing is for certain; there is a bumpy road ahead of us, food shortages, plandemics, war propaganda, gun confiscation, more manufactured emergencies, lock down, martial law, great reset, transition to digital currency, digital ID, vax pass, social credit. It is impossible to keep track of it all, and even harder to predict how it will unfold. I am ready to accept that the world has lost its mind. It is time to be less concerned about the collapse of this physical reality and be more spiritual focused. It will soon become impossible to continue with all the emotionalism of this ego-based reality and still maintain a connection to soul. I believe that I’m being told to let go of it. The world of the ego and the world of the human soul are diverging. The choice is up to each individual which one they prefer. The divide will soon be so great that it becomes impossible to cling to both at once.
Thank you for that comment! I agree that it is time to be more spiritually focused. I and a few others I talk to are feeling the same things, having the same intuitions. The parting of the ways has occurred and the divide is intensifying. There are so many that flat out refuse to dismantle their cognitive fortresses. If the last two years of the curtain being pulled away didn’t stir their consciousness, nothing will. “The world has lost its mind.” You got that right! Thank you again! All the best.
Perfect summation of what’s going on. They can’t define what a woman is but they can define common sense. Yeah right.
Don’t think we can take this much longer!!
I hear you. I agree with what weareyouare said: “let go of it.” All the best to you sister! Walk in the fire.