Global Genetic Experimentation
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David and I discuss the unfolding horror story of Jabo the Shot.
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27 thoughts on “Global Genetic Experimentation”
I had a great time doing this one, Doug. I tried not to be obnoxious.
Me too brother. I appreciate your time and perspective. I’m looking forward to your book.
Too late for me I got my shots in October last year.
Hi Doug,
I am wondering if there is a solution available to disable/remove these DNA Modifying nanotechnology. I have recently taken the vaccine (5/17/2021) and I wasn’t informed much about this until now. Please, if you know any way to remove/disable it, notify me as soon as possible since I don’t know how long it will take for the nanotechnology to fully take over. Thanks.
This may be helpful:
Thanks for the information, Doug. I will see if I can use pine needle to get rid of it. As a thank you bonus, I will provide some information that is quite valuable:
This is a video game trailer (Call of Duty Cold War) that mentions a guy named Yuri Bezmenov:
There is this website called “Academy of Ideas” that can serve as a start to an awaken process. I recommend checking it out.
Predictive Programming Example of 6 million Jews:
I will see if I can provide some more information to assist anyone interested since I have been doing these kinds of research since 2015 when I was mistakenly sent (my high school thought I was insane even though I wasn’t) to College Hospital and was prescribed Prozac. Since I knew about the dangers of taken Prozac, I lied to the authorities as well as my parents that I have taken it instead of just straight up confronting them on this information since I know that my parents are complete ignoramuses and it is impossible to convince them on this type of discovery, therefore acting like a bunch of thought polices. Honestly, I felt like Anne Frank since I alone can’t stand against this; after all, this is a war on the mind to completely dominate humanity and so, playing hide and seek is my only effective approach. If it wasn’t for cognitive dissonance, then I would definitely stand up to myself, however, I feel that this won’t work since this is a “You in what army” situation and therefore, have adopted a way to camouflage into society to safely avoid ignoramuses and other useless people and it has been working well so far. Either way, I continued doing research into what reality truly is and I mistakenly thought that the vaccine doesn’t do anything other than to give someone their own slave ID similar to how IBM back then used to make such devices when they were apart of Nazi Germany and now, they are responsible for making these slave ID tags for this “Corona Pandemic”.
Here is the link down below in case if you would like to know more:
Anyway, I now know that this isn’t the case and have started doing investigations on the whole nanotechnology threat. Again, thanks for the information
Thanks for all the info. David and I discussed Bezmenov many times. It’s amazing hearing what he was saying in the 80s and watching it come to pass. Crazy times indeed. I wish you all the best. Walk in peace.
Great comment and thanks for the links Mr. Tivnom. I think there are a lot of people out there that also recognize that there is a “war on the mind” as you put it. There have been many times I’ve played hide and seek and kept myself to myself when confronted with heavy handed authority. I have to remember to pick my battles. However, as I get older I feel like I should be more open with expressing my disgust with the global slide toward tyranny.
Thanks again for listening and commenting.
Doug Michaels’ Next Video Idea: The “Consortium” is out in the open:
Gradual Movement from Democracy to Socialism is “Already Underway”: Bernardi
(Fabian Society mentioned on the news)
Dr. Anthony Fauci: How his Jesuit Education Helped Prepare Him for the Pandemic
(Confirmed: Dr. Anthony Fauci is a Jesuit)
(A look inside the LUCIS TRUST Library)
Joe Biden on Defending Democracy
(Joe Biden and The Council on Foreign Relations)
Time Magazine Sold for $190 million to Salesforce Founder Marc Benioff
(Example of Media being Bought off by millionaires/billionaires)
Thank you for that information! You’re right, it is all out in the open.
Hey Doug.
The people I know that have gotten it are a very high percentage doing it for the travel/vacation reasons. Seems a silly reason to volunteer to be a guinea pig for an experimental drug. As for people not listening because you’re not a doctor really ends up being irrelevant, because there are doctors that say not to take it. But they will ignore those Dr’s warnings if you show them the videos or reports. They have already made up their minds because the main stream media is pushing the safety of the vaccine. They are also inundated with the social virtue signal component of posting how they were a good citizen and did what they were told. In part I’d blame the indoctrination training we all receive throughout our time in the public education system. “The Authorities said its safe, we’ll be punished if we don’t (no travel), rights taken away. It must be serious. I’ll be a good little soldier, not think for myself and get the shot(s).
In the end, it’s not required at this time. It’s not approved. It’s experimental. No thanks!
The Govt wouldn’t hurt it’s on citizen in america:
Sterilization 1960’s:–The-Forced-Sterilization-of-Women-of-Color-in-20th-Century-America.pdf
GOOGLE: Minnie Lee Relf and Mary Alice Relf
And of course the Tuskegee experiment you already mentioned. All of this crap has happened in the US and within the last 100 years.
But that all kookoo talk! LMFAO
Thanks Frank. You make some very good points and I agree with them. The most bizarre thing to me has been this vaccine virtue signaling. The infantilized mentality of people amazes me. Thanks for listening!
Thanks for listening and commenting, Frank. The tactics that the powers that be are using come straight out of the Chinese social credit playbook. “If you want to enjoy the freedoms that you were born with you have to do as I say and face the death shot”.
Vile History Of US Human Experimentation:
My favorite part of these podcasts would be the pure passion behind the sound board noises. All jokes aside, you hid the nail on the head once again. If you look up the signs of being in an abusive relationship it parallels with the same relationship people have to their governments. Non stop gaslighting and MK ultra on a global scale has left people with Stockholm syndrome.
I couldn’t have said it any better. It’s psychological warfare on a massive scale. “Gaslighting” is the perfect word for what is occurring. I appreciate your time and attention. By the way, I love the trigger board. 🙂 May the light of creation forever shine upon you.
Thanks for listening and commenting, Missy. The potential topics that we have to sort through are coming faster and faster every week. Your comparison to being in an abusive relationship is apt. “Forget what I said last week – this week I am telling the truth.”
Interesting conversation as always Doug and David thank you both 🙂 all movies and games have a ending ours is about to be shown to us all who can see Peace out brothers 🙂
Thanks Paul! It’s amazing watching all of this unfold.
Thank you, Paul. If nothing else, the story has been interesting. And it looks like they are apparently throwing aliens in for the final act. I wonder what Shakespeare would have made of all this.
Thank you, Paul. Yes it looks like we are in the last act and apparently they have put aliens in! Always a crowd-pleaser!
Hi Doug, I hope you’re fine! In the last weeks I was – as so often – wondering if and how people can still be woken up. I came to this conclusion, which I was working very hard on and you’re one of the FEW guys I know that can “understand” it so I’ll send it to you hoping that you like it and if so, of course, feel free to share. All the best, man! Take care =)
>> <<
(PS.: Your captcha-function before mailing you is broken, it says "Error for site owner: invalid domain for site key", therefore I couldn't email you via your site!)
Hey RG! So great to hear from you! At this point, if everything that has unfolded hasn’t woken someone up, I don’t know that there is much hope for them at this point. Thanks for the video, I will watch it soon. Also thanks for that info on the broken captcha. I will have my web developer take a look. You can always get me directly here: [email protected]
Thank you again. Take great care!
You’re welcome! =) You’re right about the hope, I was even so naiv to think I could do “something” with my album back then in 2016 which featured your speech-outtake, but people just wouldn’t really “listen” to the lyrics. That’s one of the reasons why I “try” it now with this video/game/simulation (You’ll see for yourself “what” it really is), even if I lost hope for this planet, but who knows, maybe some few are still open minded, but just too distracted with all what the powers to be are using to, that’s why I made it. (So it’s actually not just one video, but again, you’ll see for yourself) I hope you like it, again, all the best! Cheers, RG
Thanks again!
Hi Doug,
Hope you are doing well. Miss your talks.
Thank you! I am well, just had to take a hiatus for a little while. Take great care.