Doug Michael
March 11, 2011: A massive earthquake of 9.0 magnitude struck off the coast of Japan, triggering a devastating tsunami, which left parts of the country in utter shambles. Official reports claim that 15,891 people lost their lives, 6,152 were injured and 2,584 were reported missing.
This was the most powerful earthquake ever recorded to have struck Japan, and the fourth most powerful in the world, since modern record keeping began in 1900.[1] This earthquake was so intense in magnitude, that it shifted Honshu, the main island of Japan by an estimated eight feet and actually shifted the Earth’s axis by between four and ten inches![2]
Japan is a nation containing many nuclear reactors which produce roughly 30% of the nation’s electricity.[3] The majority of operable nuclear reactors are right along the coast, in one of the most seismically active areas on the entire planet!

The powerful tsunami caused complete devastation of three of the six nuclear reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi facility, the cores of which melted within the first three days. In November 2011, the Japanese Science Ministry reported that radioactive cesium had contaminated 11,580 square miles of the land surface of Japan,[4] with an additional 4,500 square miles contaminated.[5]
The destroyed reactor sites have been dumping hundreds of tons of radioactive waste into the Pacific Ocean, every single day for the past four years and the devastating results are now becoming plainly obvious. Radioactive cesium (an alkali metal) rapidly contaminates an ecosystem and poisons the entire food chain, and this waste offshoot has been detected in Japanese foodstuffs over a 200 mile radius of the Daiichi facility.[6]
Cesium and other radioactive waste products are bioaccumulative, meaning that they accumulate in an organism at a rate faster than the organism can eliminate it. Of course the Japanese government and TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Company) have blatantly lied about the amount of radioactive waste that has been leaking into the Pacific, however, the devastating results have been impossible to ignore.
I’ve wondered since the beginning of this disaster-which has already shown to be far worse that the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in the Ukraine, in 1986-why the world’s top, leading scientists have not come together to figure out how to stop the leaking radiation. The reason is because no one knows how to deal with this catastrophe.
In March of 2015, it was reported in the Times of London, that Akira Ono, the chief of the Fukushima power station admitted that the technology needed to decommission the three melted-down reactors does not exist, and he has no idea how it will be developed.[7]
More recently, Naohiro Masuda, the decommissioning chief of the Fukushima Daiichi Decommissioning Company, also stated that the technology does not exist to remove the highly radioactive debris from the damaged reactors:
Ono also claimed that decommissioning the plant by 2051 may be impossible without huge leaps in technological advancement.[8] It’s also been estimated that plutonium fallout has been 70,000 times greater than atomic bomb fallout in Japan![9]
Japan has also seen a skyrocketing of childhood Cancer rates, particularly, thyroid Cancer.[10] As of August, 2013, TEPCO admitted that between “20 trillion to 40 trillion becquerels[11] of radioactive tritium may have leaked into the sea since the disaster.”[12] Since it’s been shown over and again, that TEPCO repeatedly lied and covered up the true extent of the disaster, that number is most likely far greater.
While official sources keep claiming that there is no danger from the leaking radiation, sea life all along the west coast of the US has been dying in alarming numbers, and many fish and sea creatures tested off the west coast have shown extremely high amounts of radioactivity, that far exceeds safe limits. In actuality though, there really are no “safe” limits of radiation.
The Japan Times reported on Feb 25th, 2015, that cesium and other radioactive waste was pouring from the reactor one site, directly into the ocean.[13] TEPCO did nothing to prevent the leak and simply ignored the problem for close to a year![14]
There has been a massive die-off of marine life along the west coast of the US, which has scientists “baffled.” Do you mean to tell me that scientists studying this death of the Pacific haven’t taken into account the possibility that it could be caused by the hundreds of tons of nuclear waste that has been pouring into the Pacific each day for the last four years? So few dare to admit the extent of damage caused by this disaster or the fact that it is forcing us to face the possibility of our own extinction. What happens when the planet’s largest body of water is rendered lifeless on a planet made up mostly of water? What happens when the radiation accumulates in the atmosphere and is spread throughout the world by the jet stream?

In 2013, the Huffington Post reported that massive amounts of krill washed up along the west coast in a 250 mile stretch from Oregon to California.[15] Krill is an essential part of the ocean’s food chain. When marine life on the low end of the food chain dies off, the larger animals that feed on that marine life starve to death. Carcasses of dead sea lions and seals that were examined revealed high doses of radiation,[16] and yet, mainstream scientists remain “baffled.”

It has also been widely reported that massive amounts of starfish have appeared along the west coast that have literally turned to mush. USA Today reported on this,[17] and of course they claim that no one knows why; it’s a mystery. Might it have something to do with the fact that the Pacific has become a toxic, nuclear waste dump? Of course not, that’s just crazy, paranoid, tin-foil-hat talk. The level of cognitive dissonance that ensnares the minds of most people is truly staggering to me.

It’s also been reported that 98% of the sea floor of the Pacific is covered with dead sea life.[18] Not surprisingly, mainstream scientists blame this massive death of the Pacific on global warming.
“In the 24 years of this study, the past two years have been the biggest amounts of this detritus by far,” said marine biologist Christine Huffard, who works at the research station off of California. “Multiple other stations throughout the Pacific have seen similarly alarming increases.”[19]
The feeble efforts of TEPCO and the Japanese government to stop the radioactive leaks, with ice walls, dams, and other paltry, makeshift remedies have been in vain. Nobody knows how to contain the radioactive leaks, so the Japanese govt. and TEPCO do the next best thing; they lie about it and downplay the dangers. Business as usual!
The head of the National Cancer Research Center in Japan, reported in Feb, 2015, that Cancer rates have skyrocketed by 6,000% and that it was being “swept under the rug.”[20] It must be global warming causing this unprecedented rise in Cancer rates eh? In Jan, 2015, Japan’s nuclear regulator approved TEPCO’s ingenious plan to simply drain waste-water into the ocean.[21]
In Nov, 2014, Ken Buesseler, of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution claimed:
“My biggest concern is what’s going on in Japan today, and how that might make its way across to our coast. We know it’s still leaking because we’re measuring higher levels off Japan to this day. Even just the basic question, ‘How much radioactivity was released at Fukushima?’ I can’t answer that today. We may never be able to because of the lack of sampling, particularly in the ocean.”[22]
An experienced, veteran sailor by the name of Ivan Macfadyen, who has sailed the Pacific taking part in races, stated in an interview that:
“It’s dead…for thousands of miles there was nothing [between US and Japan] like sailing in a dead sea…everything’s all gone. Just talking about it makes me feel like I want to cry. No birds, no fish, no sharks, no dolphins, no turtles, nothing.”[23]
This is the legacy that humanity is leaving for their posterity; a dead world. Humanity has allowed itself to be ruled by a ruthless, psychopathic gang of parasites whose greed and insatiable lust for power knows no bounds. There really is no one to blame but ourselves. The information in this article is not even a scratch in the surface of the true magnitude of this nuclear disaster. The radiation will bioaccumulate in the ocean and atmosphere for centuries to come. Mankind is staring our very extinction in the face. This is an opportunity for humanity to face the force of our own destructiveness, and to come together as one family. Unfortunately, the average person’s thoughts seem to be firmly fixated on the sports scores, who’s blowing who in the latest, celebrity scandal or the latest pop culture fad. Unfortunately, the world’s masses suffer from a serious condition known as, Rectal-Cranial Inversion!
Let us also not forget the Deepwater Horizon disaster that occurred in the Gulf of Mexico, on April 20, 2010. Massive amounts of oil leaked into the gulf, and in the subsequent cleanup attempt, the well was capped which caused a crack in the seabed, causing extreme amounts of oil to pour into the gulf, killing marine life in droves and destroying the fishing industry in that region. A highly toxic and controversial dispersant called Corexit was dumped into the sea, and the results have been catastrophic.
Fishermen have reported sea creatures being caught in the gulf that had lesions on their bodies and all sorts of other anomalies including mutated sea life, eyeless shrimp and ulcers[24]

What happens when oil and a highly toxic dispersant enters the Gulf Stream and spreads? What happens when radiation spreads throughout the ocean currents of the Pacific? Roughly 72% of the Earth is made up of water, and if you look at a global map, you can see that all of the world’s oceans are connected; it’s essentially one ocean. So what happens when two of the planet’s large bodies of water are rendered lifeless? Since roughly 90% of Earth’s life is contained in the oceans, and two-thirds of the planet is water, what happens when the oceans die? What happens when we can no longer fish the oceans for food? The answer is simple: When the planet’s oceans die, all life on Earth will follow, but who cares? There’s a game on tonight, or some stupid shitcom that insults the intelligence.
What level of cognitive dissonance is adhered to that causes people to look away from painful truths? How is it that people can convince themselves that everything is just fine when we are staring our very extinction in the face? How many actually give a shit? Far too few unfortunately. The fact that the world’s top scientists have no idea how to contain the radiation at Fukushima speaks volumes about what happens when a species develops technologically yet does not operate with wisdom. They destroy themselves.

Has humanity made its decision that it will simply bow down and allow the few, through psychopathy and corporate greed to drive the planet into its very extinction? Is it game over for life on planet Earth? We are certainly headed in that direction, but why would I want to face this painful truth and find my center when Miley Cyrus is on TV sucking off a blow up doll in her latest piece of shit video?

The time for humanity to collectively wake up and come together is here and now! We can no longer put off the mess for future generations to mop up because at the rate we are going, the planet will be unable to support life and very may well become a dead rock resembling Mars. This is where we stand as a species. Does this sound paranoid? Maybe, but that does not negate the fact that it’s true! So as we bow our heads in quiet approval, our home is being destroyed and your children’s futures are being stolen right from under them. Sleep on, everything is OK, and raise your glass to the extinction of humanity!

[2] Ibid
[5] Ibid
[6] Ibid
[8] Ibid
[11] a Becquerel is a unit of measurement for radioactive material.
[14] Ibid
[19] Ibid
91 thoughts on “Fukushima: the Extinction-Level Event that no one is Talking About”
thank you for posting. Keep it up.
The best thing that could happen to this planet is for Mankind to go extinct. Give the planet back to the animal, they will take much better care of it than we have. It’s just a shame that we will probably kill off all the animals before we go.
You know, I hear that bit from all sorts of people, but none ever volunteers to lead the way into that extinction.
Personally, I would like to see the day when there are only ~50,000,000 people on earth… and a couple of trillion or more scattered among the suitable stars in the galaxies.
Extinction Level Event kills everything. There will be nothing left. It’s over. There is nothing to do about for 99.9% of humans. The rest might find a way off planet. Enjoy Mars for the next million years. Earth is a ghost town.
I want to believe that in some way there is hope for this planet and all its residents. This article conveys no hope. Today there was an article about an island (the Dominican Republic?) having been entirely powered over the last 75 days by solar, wind, and water power. Electricity for the entire island! Granted, I don’t think there’s much to the island in question that’s an energy drain, but the point is this is a successful step in the right direction. I don’t live on the West Coast, but my son is stationed in Hawaii and has visited Japan several times since the disaster. I fear for us all that solutions will not come fast enough. I fear that the US government continues to poison us via our food supply, and then I see this catastrophe continuing four years after the fact with “decades” of clean up to come… and barely a regular honorable mention in regular news. I don’t think the decades of clean up can start until the release of radioactivity is stopped. So, why isn’t this HUGE news?! The scientific community, which, BTW, is funded by governments!, should be networking (if they aren’t already) in a worldwide think tank to stop this contamination. WTF went on at the Summit on Global Warming… WTF did my tax dollars pay for now? I wish our world leaders would stop trying to make this just the little man’s problem. Stop cutting deals here and there. This is important shit that needs to be talked about!
It’s not huge news because we’re as good as dead. So die in blissful ignorance.
All I can say about this is Humanity only cares and thinks about itself fuck the world.We need to be more wealthy.If the world dies we will just live underground for years until we find another planet to go to and fuck that one up too……Humanity is insane plain and simple…
A doctor in Hawaii recommended to stay out of the ocean due to the high levels of radiation. He compared it to having multiple chest X-rays at once. Hawaii would never tell anyone about something that would limit tourism.
The doctor is probably paid to say something that stupid. It is safe to swim in the port at Fukushima and he isworried at Hawaii? What a maroon!
Ahahaha yea right…lol fukashima safe, you are the moron..
Derek Davies:
Who is the moron, the person that knows that itis safe of the person who parrots other moron’s opinions?
Who claims it is safe to swim in the port at Fukushima?
Hi Humanity … well this is where we are right now, and it’s our call/calling as well – it’s why we all put our hands up and chose to be here, to manifest and to be born at this time. Why? The opportunities for spiritual soul growth right now are immense!! There is such ALOT of learning, ALOT of love/compassion/charity/generosity of spirit and sacrifice/redemption to be had here if we’re up for it, and it’s all just part of the learing curve. We’re on a mission, learning about Freewill which our creator gifted to us, and that the contrary forces have been trying to wrestle away from us at every possible opportunity in order to teach us to wake up and be aware – to and learn about ourselves – our strengths and our weaknesses in the process …
WHOA GUYS, WE HAVE JOURNEYED TOGETHER, AND HAVE COME SUCH A LONG WAY – so where has it brought us – what have we learnt about life, love, existence, ourselves? Yes, our home planet, our Earth, and life on her – we have mucked around and have allowed ourselves to be distracted while our Earth/Life have been neglected, abused, pillaged, poisoned, polluted, beaten, raped, exterminated, consumed – TRASHED!! So is it surprising that the same is manifesting for us Humanity? All of life is connected guys, and although we have different forms and look different, we’ve all been travelling together on this journey … Our planet and all that live on her, WE’RE A UNIT and what happens to the smallest of us will in time manifest for all … please think about this – WE’RE A UNIT and we’ve been on this mission together – many of us numerous times, so in total for a very long time …
… so this is what happens guys – events like Fukushima and all that follows after … this is what we’re capable of WHEN WE DON’T PAY ATTENTION when we let others distract, deceive and manipulate us … These are the kinds of events, environments and circumstances that are manifested when we create with rampant ignorance, self-indulgence, greed, arrogance, deception, bitterness, aggression, blame, psychopathy, manipulation, obstinance and weakness – it just goes on. This is lack of conscience, lack of self-awareness people, and we’ve allowed/submitted, even surrendred ourselves and our Freewill rights to the domination and control of our negative aspects of being, and those who represent those negative aspects – negative hierarchy.
Yep, light/dark, good/evil, right/wrong, high/low, hard/soft, love/hate, compassion/aggression – and Freewill – us at the slash-point (/) in between and making our choices between them all … both positive and negative hierarchy are manifesting both within and outside us now, and look what we have determined and created for ourselves, our home planet and our children today …
We’re on the verge of something significant guys – a breakthrough, and I feel that Humanity are about to reach saturation point/critical mass – I think IT’S TIME FOR US TO ALL STOP what we’re doing, please… STOP TIME – yep, STOP, down tools, let go of everything … give yourself space to breath and to be, surround yourself with radiating protective light and head into No-Time where you can let yourself feel empty and free for a little while. Space and Freedom – of simply BEING – or NOT BEING – just there! … Yep that’s right – To Be, Or Not To Be – just thinking about it …
When you’re ready To Be again, accept additional light, energy and awareness in and all around, and return feeling renewed, clear and strong again because there is work to do!!
Awareness/consciousness, energy, and the light/photon changes which are amping energies up all around us … levels of relative change and shifts in energy is going to confront everyone, and yep it can be confusing and a bit scary at times but don’t worry – we’re only given as much as we can handle at any given time. Stay open, aware and protected and know that you’ll come thru each stage stronger and better off for it. You’ll be fine! =)
Ultimately guys, our personal and collective awakening is about CLAIMING and RAISING OUR AWARENESS, and then teaming it up to use with the Freewill gifted to us by Creator IN A CONSCIENCIOUS WAY!!
These are End Times, so Yes it is A BIG DEAL right now – we’re co-creators in training and no matter how long it takes, we’re supposed to learn from our cock-ups and mistakes. We can’t be let loose on the rest of creation until we have learnt to behave responsibly and with love and consideration for all life, whether evolved or unevolved. We either learn and accept accountability for this now and graduate, or we keep coming back for repeat classes … Do you want more of the same, or are you set for graduation? Freewill … =/
So, this is our period of assessment people – to look within at ourselves, at our World and to contemplate and consider all of the dynamics/aspects and beings involved – that have been dictating existence for nature and life on our planet, due to our use of Freewill up to this point in time – positive and negative …
Next, add Awakened and Empowered Humanity …. and given Humanity’s unconsious/ subconscious awareness to date, and our incoming Conscious Empowerment, how long do you think it would take us to bring an end to negative global power influences, and to restore and bring healing to our planet, if we sought to do it as an Empowered Freewill Collective?
… This is the calm before the storm/shift guys – coming to terms with our awareness and making Freewill choices now based upon our manifestations to date, and how we’re prepared to deal with it … remember always that Freewill is Ours, Sovereignty is Ours and forgiveness too … WE ARE who we’ve been waiting for people – Our Awakened Higher Christ Selves, and if we lost, surrendered or had our Sovereignty taken from us by force, then all we need do is call, claim and command its return – Freewill and Sovereignty is Ours, and so is our planet Earth and all who live on her … CLAIM, LOVE AND OWN IT GUYS … Peace, Love and Light to All – Mwah! =)
Im told hemp plants absorb radiation. At the very least they should be planting hemp all across japan. Maybe even attempt a way to grow it hydroponically in salt water. Obviously the leaking reactors and nuclear waste need to be addressed, but if we can contain the radiation from spreading more or even reverse the already terrible effects, we will have more time to come up with permanent solutions to this problem. Besides even if we could stop the pollution today we still need to clean up whats already done anyway.
Hemp does not absorb radiation, at least no more so that EVERYthing absorbs radiation. What it _does_ do is to bio-concentrate cesium which is the main emission from a meltdown (save iodine). There are several other plant species that do the same thing, including mustard, sunflowers, and at least one type of a Japanese favored leafy green vegetable. If you have been following the news, they have planted a LOT of sunflowers.
^(Brian) Your heart is totally in the right place (never give up) Sunflowers (as well as some other plants) are known to take up toxins/radiation, just like they take up nutrients from the soil) of course this is not the original intended purpose of plants and the unfortunate downside is, it would take billions upon billions of plants, season after season after season (on and on) to absorb the amount/levels of toxins/radiation we are talking about here…THEN…there is a whole new set of issues regarding what to do with all the toxic/radioactive plants…(?)…which will of course be too toxic for human/animal consumption or even textile use and will need to be disposed of in such a way not to allow all these plants to decompose and re-release all that stored toxin/radioactivity right back into to the soil. Radioactivity no doubt is a nightmare once it is let loose into the environment, as it instantly begins to cause cell death and mutations with every biological thing it comes in contact with… unfortunately, no one has (yet) discovered a counter reaction/antidote which can neutralize radioactivity =,( Maybe some day?
Hopefully someday soon!
Reblogged this on Leela Bear Babbles.
nice bit of lying anti-science here.
Claims that the complete decimation of our precious coastline in California is due to anything BUT climate change not just ignorant, it is culpable. While the Fukushima contamination is a significant issue to be dealt with, it is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING compared to the changes in heat waves, rainfall patterns, storm tracks, food production, water distribution and, of course, the total destruction of our near-shore sea life due to ocean acidification and changes in water temperatures that are causing local plankton species to move further off shore, being followed by krill, which pulls the baitfish away which leads to tens of thousands of young auklets and seals starving to death on our precious shores.
Hey Jai John Mischill – I’m not contesting about the dangers of climate change here, but if you are really on the side of the planet, you’d be on board about the horrors of BOTH climate change & the ongoing Fukushima catastrophe. REAL earth advocates don’t nitpick between the two. Those truly concerned about our planet sound the warning bell about ALL global threats, be it Climate Change, Fukushima, fracking, mountain-top rape, strip mining, deforestation, etc. If you are here just to drive a wedge between issues, then you’re part of the problem and we can see through that. Nice try though.
My God man, how much of the Obama/government koolaid have you drank? Of course there is climate change as it is a natural part of this planets cycle. Man made climate change, on the other hand, is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on humanity. And it’s all about money and control. You might want to loosen up on your belief system a little bit and start doing research on a few things. We are living under the most secretive, most bloated, most criminal, most corrupt government in history and if you believe anything that comes from them then I feel sorry for you and the other hypnotized sheeples.
Here here!!!. Aint that the Truth.
Prove it.
Well said! (Except that in truth, the Fukushima contamination is not now nor will it ever be a significant issue on the west coast. Until the reality matched the models, there was some concern that the reality could be much worse an actually be n issue. But it is well within the bounds of the model and the model shows it will NOT be an issue.
I am really offended when writers are so lazy the use the phrase “most people” over and over and assume and write their guesses as to what “most people” are thinking and doing. How uneducated and unscientific can one be?
Many people are awake. All people were born in the past 115 years or so and have had little choice, have been lied to constantly and have very little power to change anything. The greedy psychopaths monsters you are addressing are at fault and blaming “most people” is like blaming women for rape and domestic assault! Most people are so poor and so powerless and so uninformed and most people including YOU are fairly powerless to stop the at least 7000 years old patriarchy and capitalism.
Are you talking about the children? MOST OF THE WORLD IS CHILDREN! Are you speaking of the poor and starving and war stricken? Are you saying the disabled and ill are not living up to your standards? Who are the most people you are talking about?
Personally I think most “most people” want peace clean air and a healthy life.
“Peace, Clean Air, and a Healty Life”; all of which, despite occasional SNAFUs like Fukushima, are greatly aided by nuclear energy.
Nuclear energy is the only viable option when trying to balance environmental protection with providing sufficient energy to the expected 10-12 Billion people which will soon inhabit the earth. Granted, that the most common (LWR) light water reactors are built to a design which originates in the 1960’s and was developed solely to power nuclear submarines, or produce the elements necessary to build atomic bombs; the guy who designed these first reactors, only saw them as a first step. The problem is that only incremental improvements have been made to an inherently flawed design which should never have been used to create electricity for the masses. Anyone who is against LWR’s, i’m right there with you, however, i’m pretty sure that most people can tell the difference in safety between a car from the 1960’s and a car built today, and to tar all reactors and reactor design with the same brush, is to show you lack the simple ability to make that kind of distinction. Current designs for liquid fluoride thorium reactors (LFTR) are literally failsafe; physically incapable of a meltdown or any catastrophic failure, and requiring zero (and some actively preventing) human intervention if anything were to go ary. Plus, they actually consume the kinds of long-lived radioactive waste that LWR’s create, they can be buried underground, don’t require large bodies of water (like a river or the sea) for cooling so safer locations can be chosen, the list goes on…. trouble is LFTR’s haven’t had 50+ years of experimental/developmental funding like LWR’s, so everything’s (more than) a little behind where we could and really should be in nuclear energy production. Luckily China and India (and a few other places) are forging ahead with these technologies, so it’s only a matter of time.
There’s got to be better solutions available.
Reblogged this on Warriors of Light and commented:
This is about as real as it gets. Gaia is sick, our planet is dying.
need to get miley and her friends involved in this
FYI – The starfish die-off started at least a year before Fukushima happened and thus is unlikely related.
do you have a source for that?
thank you 🙂
Dang, wrong one.
Yeah I’ve been singing this same song for the past 4 years on survivalist boards & it’s amazing how many people on those sites don’t wanna hear about it either. They’d rather compare guns & whine about immigrants. Lots of pro-nuclear shills hang out on these same sites too.
Oh boy were do I start with you Heather….. I truly believe you live in a rainbow/ unicorn type of world from based on what I have read so-far from you…..
This is bad news yes but its not limited to the pacific ocean QGC Australia have single handedly destroyed the strata’s in the earth under Queensland by fracing, releasing massive amounts of radiation into water sources underground and the air from lng processing plants in remote areas of Australia I have seen this first hand working on the LNG project, this needs attention as its due to be expanded to triple its current area please share the knowledge about this silent death march.
Doug Michael, thanks for the article. What do we do, the psychopaths are armed and dangerous. How do we collectively gather and march to the palaces of the Windsors, Rothschilds, Rockefellars, and other supper rich misfits? And once there, what do we do, ask them to please stop trashing the planet? The Queen owns uranium mines all over the place, so she just loves nuclear stuff, Shinzo Abe wants to restart all the nuclear reactors in Japan as if what the Japanese yakuza does with these reactors is none of our business. Notice how there is not a whisper of criticism from anyone in Europe, America, or Asia about the death of the Pacific Ocean and the slow motion genocide of the planet? The bastards are all in on it. The silence is telling. At this point our only alternative is force. Their “modus operandi” is “I do because I can”.
Knowing that the animals are suffering and dying breaks my heart. I feel it all the time. It is a difficult emotional state to be in because I can’t turn that feeling off. Just like those ruined reactors at Fukushima wont turn off.
You are aware that you get more harmful radiation exposure in round trip flights between NY and Sydney than a few days in Chernobyl, right? That some people never left Chernobyl and are living there to this day. That Chernobyl was actually built and used for creating nuclear fuel for weapons that later was converted to a power plant which is why it had no containment wall. That all energy in our solar system is the result of nuclear reactions starting with the hydrogen at the center.
No power source is safe. None. Coal causes approximately 4,000 deaths annually. Oil and gas cause thousands annually and are causing untold damage to our entire planet and are not limited to the Fukushima area. Nuclear power is less safe than solar and wind but far safer than fossil fuels. Fusion can be done safely, provided we do not keep plants operating forever and place backup generators and batteries in the basement next to tsunami zone.
(Er .. I meant “fission”. Wish my fingers could keep up with me.)
Wow, the pro-nuclear shills seem to be out if full force here today. Your garbage “statistics” are laughable in the extreme. Whenever someone tries to downplay the dangers of nuclear radiation with such “muddying the waters” tactics, hey – I just feel sorry that you have to work on Sunday, man.
Huh? My “garbage statistics” are all verifiable facts. Feel free to mention any particular item you do not believe and I can connect you to the various sources.
I am not sure if low level radiation is solely to blame for these incidents, or if its not involved at all. I am neither pro or anti nuclear at this moment, def more interested in safer next gen plants, but still understand the risks of the nuclear genie. In general though this whole situation is bad, I admit that. I think sick people should be used to deal with it. The radiation might kill them, but if they are terminal anyway we can get through this disaster. USSR used healthy people to stop the problem, and put concrete underneath to avoid the issues Japan is having, this whole response has been quite lack luster compared to USSR and there total disregard for the staff. This disregard helped contain though but the main issue is the lack of empirical proof for the anti nuclear side. Anything we come up with is refuted in oh so many ways, its quite frustrating to prove anything it seems when major nuclear bodies refuse to admit contamination has harmed or killed anyone both here and at other previous incidents..
Thank you so much for this informative post and plethora of links.
Great article. It’s ashame that people who speak up about the subject……their lives get ruined. Well from what I’ve experienced anyway. Maybe that’s why some people carry on like nothing’s hapened. It’s easier to pretend everything is ok. I mean……there’s no technology to deal with this problem. Makes ya sick doesn’t it. That we humans can create something so distructive without a way to stop it/clean it up.
Nature corrects all mistakes. It may only take a trillion or so years, but all errors are corrected in within eternity.
Fukushima Prefecture is quite alright now. There are perhaps three small areas in Fukushima Prefecture where the radiation level exceeds that of Ramsar, Iran. People have lived in Ramsar for millenia with no ill effect from the radiation. So in truth, only those areas should be avoided as a point of caution. But even those three small areas could be cleaned up to near backgound levels in about 10 to 15 years if the people were allowed back to cultivate phyto-remedial crops.
Naturewill correct the Fukushima mistake in about 50 years by itself. The mistake can be corrected in ~15 years with the aid of man.
This was done by Israel with nukes on the seabed and Stuxnet virus plus nukes embedded in the plant. See website.
Woo woo! SMH
Cumulative impacts from Arctic Ocean russian nuclear dumps to England’s 200 years of ocean dumping plus every other country doing the same….add in Gulf of Mexico oil blowouts, 80 plus million barrels of oil per day into environment, trees being cut down, forest fires, fukushima, co2, arctic methane, 7.2 billion people, toxic dumps etc and you can bet the rich are building their gated undergroungnews hideaways for the soon to come SHTF events.
If you want these issues to go away, support the deployment of LFTRs (Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors). Clean, green, energy; affordable and sustainable enough to make 100% recycling worth while.
Uninformed panic bullshit.
Most of the radiactive material leaked in the first month sharply dropping off after that because there isn’t much volatile material in a reactor to be released this way. In total the amounts are still far lower than Chernobyl. In addition most radiation released was in form of inert gasses and in very short lived form of Iodine that decayed to nothing in the first month. (In Chernoby there were far heavier and scarier materials released including uranium and plutonium dust) In the scale of the Pacific the radiation released by Fukushima is barely a blip compared to all the radiation that was released over many decades of atom bomb tests in Pacific atols.
And the radiation levels of the seal livers are not really out of the ordinary. Try measuring the radiation of a banana 😉 There is a LOT of dirrerent natural radiation out there with level varying thousands of times across different places.
I want to help clean this mess up any one have any ideas bout to help me get started??
I want to help clean this mess up, does anyone know how I can get started?
Seriously, stop insulting each other, it’s pathetic.
“..hundreds of tons .. every single day .. 4 years”
So, a million tons (or more) of radioactive waste?
Over *200 million gallons* of contaminated water?
Really? Where from? Or are you exaggerating wildly?
TEPCO admitted to 400 tons per day, and since we know that TEPCO is full of crap, the actual number may be far higher.
That is (or was at the time) 400 tonnes of water and almost no radioactivity. You can tell because the ocean near the plant stays at very low, normally undetectible, levels.
This article might be more convincing and persuasive without the airbrushed & photo-shopped illustrations.
The more I hear the more heart sick I feel. Someone really needs to do SOMETHING about the radiation problem that’s been around, from what I’ve gathered reading these posts since the fifties or before. Honestly I’m not sure what is truth. But I see those dead dolphins and screwed up daisies and I say, SOMEBODY get your s— together and clean up our land. It seems to be in the largest river we have, The Mighty Mississippi. Oh great. Guess where I live – on a bluff overlooking that great old man river. So we can’t eat the catfish from there any longer. People all over the world need to know this. PLEASE, somebody do something. I’m begging you. I’m old, disabled and can only type a bit. But you know who you are. So make that your on going quest and duty for life – to clean up what happened in Japan because it has spread across our entire country. H-E-L-P. Mary Kelly
That picture you have right there, the one with all the seals laying on the beach? Well those seals are actually all alive. That’s called Seal Beach and it’s right here in San Diego, 4 miles from where I live. All the seals come up and they like to lounge on the beaches just like that. You can clearly see that they are all alive and if you’d like proof of that just come on down to Seal Beach and take a look. We are at the beach all the time and very rarely is there a dead seal. I’ve seen a dead seal wash up once every 4 years.
While I believe that this disaster needs more attention, could you use ACTUAL photos of wildlife dead on beaches? Because once I see something that is false, your article loses credibility with me. If there really are dead animals lined up on beaches, we need to see those REAL photos.
Please, I am aware of the disaster and yes it is causing so much pain for Earth, but use real proof. Do not take a picture of a bunch of seals lounging then try to pass it off as “massive die-off of sea lions”.
Dear author,
you are absolutely right but unfortunately can we do anything?We do not have the power and are ruled by other insane people. Reading this article brought me to tears. I feel like going there to solve the problem but unfortunately that is not in my hands.
Meet some of the mad men behind the Fukushima catastrophe here:
You didn’t source your statement that fish in the PNW are testing high for radioactivity so how do you counter this. What animals are testing high and where are the lab results
I am sad to say that for some odd reason people don’t seem to give a damn about the most important stuff like threats on a planetary scale – instead they find stuff like the “the brand of socks a celebrity wears” to be far more important.
I wrote a thoroughly researched article about Fukushima in 2013 which attempted to explain what radiation is and why this event is perhaps the most significant man made disaster in the history of humanity. Most folks find it very hard to comprehend or visualise very small things (atoms) or very large things (Galaxy). The article tries to get across what radiation/fallout is and why nuclear power is so ominous. Here is the link should you or your readers find it of interest.
-> 3 million people die every year from fossil fuel energy.
-> Zero people have died in the United States from nuclear power.
-> Solar energy has more attributable deaths annually than nuclear power.
-> Nuclear is the second safest power source (based on annual fatalities) behind wind.
-> You get a larger radiation dosage from flying than staying in Chernobyl.
-> The people living in Chernobyl (many never left) have normal levels of cancer rates.
There is no question that we should give up on nuclear power when a better alternative comes along. Unfortunately, a better one has not appeared for the energy needs of our world and one could argue that nuclear fuel is better for the environment than the short and long term issues associated with natural gas, coal and oil. To say we do not need nuclear – we can just use solar or wind – is saying we will continue to use natural gas, coal or oil since they are always the backup source.
The issue of radioactive waste is real but not nearly as dire as some may paint it. France has been using nuclear energy as their primary source (including selling it to other countries) for 40 years now and they have very little waste. The reason is that the cores are 95% recyclable so they re-use them again and again. Modern nuclear plant designs really have answers to all of the decades old concerns of environmental damage, whether it is human error, natural event or what to do with the bad stuff that is created in the process.
Still, the events in Japan underscore how dangerous this is, regardless of the safety systems in place. What we have learned is that building a nuclear power plant on the Ring of Fire is dangerous and you need the best safety designs imaginable. Gen 1 plants need to be shut down and Gen 2 should be phased out. Not because they are too old to work, but because newer technology has made their safety worthiness obsolete. We are not infallible and our road map needs to account for that. But we also need to recognize that Gen 3 and especially Gen 4 designs (which cannot melt down) are an entirely different animal.
We do need to build more nuclear power plants to replace our dependence on fossil fuels while simultaneously investing in other green technologies – but we need to learn the lessons from Fukushima.
The world’s population will very soon begin to diminish at an ever increasing rate as the radio nuclides from Fukushima that have been absorbed or inhaled hit their half lives. The incidence of thyroid nodes in Japanese children has risen alarmingly in the 5 years since the disaster at Fukushima. The pacific ocean is all but dead because of radiation and the west coast of North America is hugely contaminated. Go to or ene news for more real information about the extinction level event noone talks about. Tepco can’t stop the constant flow of highly contaminated water pouring into the sea and Japan is burning the millions of bags of collected contaminated topsoil , thus sending more conamination into the atmosphere. The Tokyo water supply is contaminated and the Japanese don’t know it.Few people around the globe know the Japanese live under a secrecy law preventing them from discussing Fukushima.The discharges from Fukushima have now exceded those from all the nuclear bomb tests of the last 70 years. Nuclear is a nono.
“The world’s population will very soon begin to diminish at an ever increasing rate as the radio nuclides from Fukushima”
1. Since you say “very soon”, could you please place a date on that? Don’t worry – I require the same from those who claim the second coming of Jesus is happening soon, too.
2. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and claiming the end of the world certainly applies. Provide links that support the conclusions behind your claims. Specifically:
“The pacific ocean is all but dead because of radiation and the west coast of North America is hugely contaminated …”
“The world’s population will very soon begin to diminish at an ever increasing rate as the radio nuclides from Fukushima …”
Thanks for the article. This has been an insane and on going issue that no one is talking about. I agree with every point stated here, and the sarcasm. However inspiring and angering, unfortunately, you leave us with no direction. You are absolutely right that people are doing nothing to prevent or investigate this issue. BUT I’m sure most who have read the article would have, if we knew where to start. After I read this I feel motivated, but what do I do next? I would hate being someone with an opinion, scanning the internet over and over, yet never actually doing anything. You have us inspired, now what?