Earth Asylum
Chains of ignorance bind the hearts and minds of humanity. Divided they will fall, corralled and coerced, and soon to be torn asunder.
Watch them scurry about like cockroaches, like diseased rats in a decrepit sewer.
They have allowed the glory of what they could become to be desecrated and ripped away, spat upon and contorted beyond recognition.
They have willingly surrendered their offspring to enslaving forces that have built empires upon the ashes of their broken dreams.
They have accepted their yokes and their chains with nary a whimper; they have embraced the lie; they have surrendered their minds to the illusion.
Forever estranged from each other and from their very selves, they wander aimlessly like battered vessels, beaten and tattered, sailing the stormy seas of disaster.
Your world is the trailer park of the galaxy the mental asylum, to which the rest of the universe sends its lunatics.
The stars themselves weep for the lost potential of a species that could have soared among them, a species blinded by its own reflections in the mirror of its emptiness.
The cries of the forsaken echo through the corridors of forgotten time, a haunting reminder of what could have been.
Yet, in the depths of despair, where shadows loom large and hope seems but a distant memory, there remains a flicker of light. A whisper in the darkness, a glimmer of rebellion, a spark of resistance.
For within every heart, no matter how shackled, lies the seeds of defiance, the potential for awakening.
The question remains: will humanity rise from the mire, cast off its chains, and reclaim its destined brilliance? Or will it continue to spiral into the abyss, consumed by the very darkness it has allowed to flourish?
The universe watches, ever patient, ever hopeful, that one day the asylum will become a sanctuary of enlightenment, and the trailer park will transform into a beacon of unity and wisdom.