Dark Sorcery and the Superimposed Mind
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Mass hypnosis grips the collective human consciousness. Sleep has befallen them. Veils of many bind the human soul; eyes blinded by propaganda to the extreme. Internal thought processes are misguided by external stimuli designed to misdirect, to distract and to deceive. Human psychology is misdirected by what can be considered dark sorcery, and that is no exaggeration whatsoever. It’s total mind control on a massive scale.*The beginning passage is from the 1988 John Carpenter film, They Live*
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4 thoughts on “Dark Sorcery and the Superimposed Mind”
The “sleeping automatons” are everywhere. Great diatribe, brother.
Thanks bro!
Crowley’s Law of Satanic Inversion. Fat is healthy, innocence is guilty, ugly is beautiful, men are women, good is evil and bitter is sweet. Woe unto them. Damn right these Satanists gave the masses their minds. If the lockdowns showed us anything it’s that most people have the potential and power to be tyrannical power hungry dictators. (Even everyday men and women aka mask Karen’s) reminds me of the Stanford prison experiment. Time to let the dead bury their dead…they plucked their eyes out long ago and there is no hope for many. Good diatribe.
Thanks Missy! So few are aware, and so few care at all. I know people who I thought were somewhat awake that are in complete denial just going about like everything is fine and dandy. This is the end of the Kali Yuga.