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The true warrior is the one who knows the ego’s games. He has conquered himself. The awakened one observes and can see the higher mind and the lower mind. The awakened one recognizes the inner duality, and strives to initiate internal reconciliation, to reach a holistic balance of the polarities within their own being.
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8 thoughts on “Completion”
Great job Doug. I am looking forward to joining you next week.
Me too brother. Thanks for always taking your time to offer feedback. I appreciate that David!
We are living in a science fiction movie that seems all too familiar. The mini series “V,” Twilight Zone: “To Serve Man,” and the long forgotten mini- series “Amerika” (which features a false flag attack on the capital) all come to mind.
And, of course the classic book and later movie “1984”. What would they call this? Joecommubidinocron?
I wish I could wake up in 1997 and this was all a dream inspired by a movie I rented from Blockbuster.
Imagine if we’re all somewhere with VR headsets on? Hmm.
I meant to put my last comment on the last podcast you did. But anyway, here is a link to the scent in “Amerika” when they do the false flag attack on the capital:
One more link from “Amerika”. This acene from 1987 shows what a classroom in 2022 looks like. Minus the face masks.
Awesome. My family motto ” Vincit qui se vincit” – he conquers who conquers himself. Has always helped me to move beyond my internal obstacles. Thank you for sharing…
Thank you! I appreciate your time and comments! Stay strong brother!