Doug Michael
“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” – Thomas Jefferson
Have you noticed that the most ignorant among us and dare I say, the most stupid, seem to be the loudest and proudest? I suppose that’s par for the course in this upside-down and diseased culture of ours. They advertise their absolute thoughtlessness and lack of intelligence openly and without shame and actually believe in their miniscule minds that they are on the top of the evolutionary scale. These morons believe that simply because they can conjure up a thought and string together a barely coherent sentence, that it makes them intelligent or somehow makes true that thought, which in most cases, is not even their own; their perceptions have been adopted and fed to them and they’re simply too dumb to even notice it, and they don’t even care. I would allude to these jackasses as mental retards but that would be an insult to mentally retarded people.
A major form of entertainment has become watching people engage in completely mindless, stupid activities. The internet is loaded with videos of people that exhibit the intelligence of a golf ball and who perform ridiculous activities to gain their 15 minutes of fame. We seem to love to laugh at these idiots when we should be crying. The level of mindlessness has reached a deafening crescendo and people applaud it in celebration of stupidity and willful ignorance.

Unfortunately, the idiots have become the vast majority and rectal-cranial inversion has become a widespread pandemic. Your nation and way of life is about to fall because ignorance and freedom cannot coexist! Take just two fucking seconds from your busy life of slavery to observe! Set your biases, preconceived notions and bogus opinions aside for just a moment and open your fucking eyes to see in plain sight what your forefathers warned you about, that is, if you have the gumption to click off the fucking TV or to put down the god damned video game controller for two seconds and wake yourself out of your damned near comatose state.

Sadly, that is far too much trouble for the majority in our culture and I’m not even talking about the kids; it’s the so called “adults” of Generations X and Y that are the true problem. How can a generation of barely literate, dysfunctional, historically ignorant buffoons bestow upon their children what they do not even themselves possess? You know, things like morals, critical thinking, compassion, curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. All of the tools are available right in front of you that make it easy to expand your perceptual awareness and yet you spit on them and instead embrace every distraction and external stimuli so that you don’t have to undertake the difficult task of firing up too many brain cells and engaging in the lost art of thinking.

Comporting oneself as a drooling, willfully ignorant, boring and uneducated adolescent seems to be the new cool. What makes this appalling situation even worse is that those who aspire towards a greater intelligence, those who have lifted their consciousness out of the mundane and irrelevant, are ridiculed and shunned without mercy by those who have willingly sacrificed their own gift of self-awareness. These idiotic rejects are a curse and a plague upon the very thing that it means to be human. They have denied their own self and that is the worst kind of sadism and the greatest sin. What we laughingly refer to as adulthood in our modern world is a ridiculous joke and the vast majority exhibit a mentality that never escaped the 8th grade, and that’s being generous! They need a time out and a fucking diaper change, and if you really want to know who your true enemy is, then look no further.

It’s not so much your global misleaders that are the nemesis, nearly as much as it is your own brethren that willingly buy into the lie and subject their own progeny to it willingly. Those misinformed slaves are your real enemy! The self-serving, sociopathic, system-serving figureheads that these spiritually and mentally weakened dullards vote into power are irrelevant. They give their power away to the simulacrum as long as they can be made to feel comfortable because that is what a spineless, gutless, mentally incapacitated slave does; they hang themselves with the noose of indifference and condemn their children with their own ignorance. To me the most comically tragic thing is that these simpletons actually expect to be taken seriously. I have a better idea…Why don’t you go fuck yourself. Your ill-informed and opinionated garbage serves no other purpose than to fan the flames of our very destruction and the fact that you celebrate that stupidity speaks volumes of your character and lack of principles. You do not even deserve the gift that has been given to you. You are the problem.

4 thoughts on “Celebration of Stupidity”
Glad to see you back!
Thank you Jay! Thanks for reading! All the best!
So glad to see you back you have been missed!!!
Thank you Catherine! I appreciate that!