These days the truth seems to be hidden within a pandora’s box of deception, lies, deceit, and misdirection as we watch the world go mad right before our eyes. With all the competing sources of information out there, it can be difficult or even impossible to know who you can trust. The dark powers that seek to control the world and its entire population mix a little bit of the truth in with their lies. The phony opposition that they control might have a few startling revelations thrown in with their false narratives. Where to begin? How can I know where to turn in these dark days when my life and freedom could depend on knowing the truth.
This is where Doug’s newest book, Surreality comes into in. He’s chronicled the insane events of the past two years into a condensed series of informative social commentaries and observations. In these days of weaponized information, knowing the truth can mean the difference between life and death. After alerting his underground audience of podcast listeners and readers to the dangers of Covid vaccinations, the lies surrounding the Ukraine war, and the dark agenda of the globalist criminal cabal, Doug takes us farther in the newest volume in his expanding cannon. Charged with dark humor, wry comedic observations, uplifting insights, and just the right amount of sardonicism thrown in for good measure, Surreality is a must read for anyone wanting a shred of clarity in these strange and frightening times.
Surreality: The Artificial Superimposed Perceptual Overlay
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