Attack of the Mask Karens
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The mask Karens come in all shapes and sizes, all colors, all nationalities, all genders. They’re everywhere! You never know when you’ll run into one. Beware!
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6 thoughts on “Attack of the Mask Karens”
Love this:
Me too! Out of the mouths of babes huh? Thanks Jane!
Help! What do I do? My second covid jab has left me paralyzed so I can’t get the booster due to doctors orders. This was all written by speech to text.
All my fellow Karen’s are shunning me now because Fauci says I’m unvaxxed! Help! I am about to go to cvs and shoot myself up with one if I can. My doctor obviously is an idiot anti vaxxer. ALL HAIL PROPHET FAUCI! In Gates we trust.
Just be sure to get your 4th, 5th, 6th, and seventh booster or however many the holy CDC says you should, once you are able to. Being paralyzed is either a normal side effect, or a coincidence. Either way, you are doing your part to protect others. Remember these three tenets to ensure your safety: 1.Always trust the media. 2.Well paid federal employees would never lie. 3.Everything will be OK if you just trust the government. Now, in order to heal, I want you to say three hail-Fauci’s and have your children baptized at the Church of Pfizer. Go now! Moderna speed!
Where do I sign up to become an official Mask Karen?
No sign up required. Just follow the code of the Karens and you are in!