So many of you fools rush headlong towards the false light and refuse to embrace your own inner darkness.
You stumble about, ensnared by the folly of your own egos, forever estranged from the greater aspects of the self.
In imbalance you dwell, like delusional misfits addicted to your own suffering.
The psychodrama you so willingly embrace is naught but illusion.
To break free, you must first recognize the shadows within, acknowledging them as part of your being.
Only then can you transcend the illusions that cloud your perceptions.
Seek not the false light, but the truth that lies in the union of light and dark within, beyond duality. Statera Aeternum!
For it is in this harmony that true enlightenment is found, and the chains of suffering are shattered.
Until you can begin to reconcile your own inner divide, your world can never change.
Your unresolved inner conflict is projected upon the outer manifested reality.
What an unfortunate shame that the lot of you are too stupid to realize this.
Your inner turmoil is your outer turmoil. Your world is a reflection of yourself.
Of course, just like any addict in denial, you pretend this isn’t so. The problem is you.
That is, considering that you even have the courage to recognize that there is something very wrong.
Most of you vermin cannot even do that because you have allowed the systems of enslavement to corral your mind into its dark corridors of filth and disempowerment.
You are played like out of tune fiddles in a discordant orchestra of lunacy. You are all so pitiful