Doug Michael’s latest book comes to us at an especially challenging time in this pivotal moment of civilization. Now with the technology available the powers that be (the Consortium) is pulling the greatest sleight of hand trick in the history of mankind. Doug fearlessly explores this treacherous moment. Take up this book and see the very real dangers that face us. But fear not, with truth and knowledge comes power. And this power is available to you in these pages as Doug tackles these issues:
- Why is the truth being hidden from us?
- What is the plan that the Consortium plots behind these lies?•What are the consequences of inaction at this pivotal moment in history?
- What are the final goals of the Consortium in this age of deception?
- Having learned the sinister truth of this fallen world, what kind of a difference can I make in the name of the deeper truth of what we truly are and the limitlessness of our potential?