You foolish Americans celebrate your “freedom” whilst you bash one another’s brains in.
You ignorant cowards don’t have one iota of the balls that your forefathers did.
You are nothing more than bastard children of the once great republic that you have allowed to be taken over by deviant criminals. Rome is fallen bitches!
The “men” amongst you have been emasculated and conquered, the warrior spirit within them destroyed, the spirit of rebellion decimated. The women have been contorted into a twisted form of what a female should be. The nurturing care has been robbed from her very soul.
Your filthy institutions of media, education, government, and finance have been subverted long ago by an invisible enemy that hides in the shadows.
They have infiltrated and divided you, and divided, you will fall!
You have allowed them to invert your values, your virtues, your heritage. You have permitted them to twist your children’s minds within the halls of indoctrination. You have bowed your heads and bent your knees in servitude, as they robbed you blind to construct the prison all around you.
Decadent and diseased you have become, as you wallow within the contorted mess that the controllers have twisted your nation into. You mindless fools just accept your chains and allow your home to be vandalized and raped beyond recognition.
You pitiful rejects have allowed your miscreant ruling class to coerce you into being injected with mandatory vaccinations because you were afraid to catch a fake fucking virus. Now you must pay the price for your misplaced obedience. You even allowed them to poison your children. Shame on each and every one of you.
America, once a bastion of freedom and opportunity, has become a fallen shithole, ruled by scoundrels and tyrants. The republic is long dead. Now, it is an empire nation, and the empire is about to fall in a controlled demolition.
Your nation is morally, financially and spiritually bankrupt. You are a conquered people, held in chains of bondage while falsely believing you are free. Voting for a new master does not make you any less a slave. It only makes you foolish for believing that it does.
And now you teeter on the brink of annihilation. Your belief in authority has imprisoned you and twisted your mind. You are a prisoner in the land that your forefathers conquered. And you never heeded their warnings.
Your apathy and complacency has led you to ruin. The republic has fallen, and the fools wave their flags in celebration.