Call to Awaken: Humanity’s Crucial Decision Pt. 2
Doug and James talk about all the latest BULLSHIT, and call it for what it is. James likens it to the "BOY WHO CRIED WOLF" and it's all so perfect a set up for Donald Trump and his "SPACE FORCE" - the requirement to "Weaponize SPACE." Are there Interdimensional beings as so many believe? The ETs Waiting in the wings, To "SAVE US???!!!" We need saving because the world has gone to shit in a handbasket... WWIII looms, and the puppet leaders of the world bow down to the Khazarian Influence? All kinds of shit happened this year and Doug goes over ALL of it. James talks about WAKING the FUCK UP!!! Being reborn, and both speak to the huge dilemma an individual has to face in chucking out all the lies and bullshit they've been fed their whole lives - all that we've be taught and told and generational lies... IT'S ALL A PSYOP!!!! SNAP OUT OF IT!!!!